desshimself wrote:
Every time I have to change preferences on my Macbook, or even when I have to install a new application, it asks for my password. I wondered if there was a way to just use the Touch ID instead. I tried looking in System Preferences but I have found nothing.
Anyone has the same problem/has any information about it?
Verify your Preferences...
>System Preferences>Security & Privacy> General>Advanced
There are a few instances where Touch ID will not be accepted by macOS:
• If you restarted your Mac, or if you're not logged into your user account.
• If you have not unlocked your Mac for 48 hours.
• If you are trying to unlock Security & Privacy
• If you are trying to unlock Users & Groups Preferences (when FileVault is on)
• If 5 wrong fingerprint attempts
"If you have problems with Touch ID"
If Touch ID isn't working on your Mac - Apple Support