Occasional monitor blackouts and crashes: Mac Pro 4,1 / OS 10.11.6 / ATI Radeon HD 4870 / two monitors
System summary:
Mac Pro 4,1, built 2009, 2x2.26 GHz Intel Zeon
Running OS X 10.11.6 (latest release that runs on this computer)
Graphics card: ATI Radeon HD 4870 - 512MB, PCIe. Two displays:
On the DVI: DELL ST2210, built ~2010
On the mini display port: LG 24ML44B, built 2020; HDMI at the monitor end of the connexn
HD: Hitachi HDE721064SLA360 rotational, 600GB
Software RAID: 2 x Western Digi WD4003FRYZ-01F0DB0 4TB rotational, configured as RAID 1 mirror
Keyboard (Logitech) and trackpad (Apple) both bluetooth
The setup / configuration as above has been working fine and stable since including the LG monitor a year ago, replacing a Samsung.
A week ago (1st June, fwiw), a few minutes after morning boot up, both monitors blacked out; after 10-15 seconds, the Dell monitor (on the DVI interface) lit up again but the LG (on the mini display port) remained black. Mac OS had moved open windows from the non-working monitor to the one that remained operational.
I powered down the Mac, waited 15 secs, then re-started. All seemed well, but the pattern described above repeated every 15 minutes or so – except that after a couple more re-boots, the blackout time shortened, pre-empting my re-boots. So then, the blackouts recurred about ten times: each time, the LG monitor only, or both monitors, would black out for 10-15 seconds, then come back up. There were no other system effects that I noticed.
Thereafter, everything returned to normal – until yesterday, 7th June, afternoon: so seven days and maybe 7–8 hours later. Then the LG blacked out persistently – meaning for several minutes until I re-started, which fixed the problem. I do remember hearing ‘disc noise’ from my boot disk *before* the blackout, disk noise of the kind that I usually associate with Time Machine backup activity or similarly intense HD work by the OS.
This morning (following day), I put the computer to sleep and maybe half an hour later, it would not wake: both screens black and unresponsive to keyboard or trackpad, for several minutes: I powered down and re-started, and now three hours later, everything has been fine and stable since.
So what’s been going on? I know where I would start looking if I were an IT guy, but I’m no IT guy.
Any ideas, people? I’m asking because IF the problem is in the video card, and if the thing is trying to tell me that it’s failing, then I should set about getting a replacement before it fails completely – and full marks to the manufacturer if this kind of ‘early warning’ is intentional. But equally, it could be a few other things and it would be a shame to toss a video card (one that has done perfect service for many years) if it’s perfectly good.
Thanks All,
Mac Pro, OS X 10.11