external drive available space calculation error?
I recently noticed the 'available space' of an external drive doesn't make sense at all.
My external SSD is 512GB, and had about 250GB of free space a few days ago before I 'duplicated' a folder as big as 150GB.
I expected the external drive should have 100GB of free space, but it still says about 200GB is free. It didn't change after rebuilding spotlight index by using terminal command, mdutil -E / .
Looking into it, I checked the size of the biggest folder in the external SSD, and 'Get Info' windows says the folder is a little bigger than 400GB. However, still the macOS diskutility says my external drive has more than 200GB of free space.
Should I be worried about data loss or is it just an error of macOS(probably it will be updated after time-consuming spotlight index rebuil?)
Anything helps. Thanks!