OneDrive, MacBook Air and “Couldn’t communicate with a helper application”
Previously posted question: Q:
onedrive couldn't communicate with helper application
It seems to be more frequently I can't communicate with OneDrive from my Mac. It comes up with an error saying it can't communicate with the helper application. Has anyone found a permanent fix for this? It seems the advice is to restart the Mac but that is a pain, or reinstall Onedrive which didn't help. I see the same issue for GoogleDrive, Drop box, and others so I assume this is a Mac issue.
Any Answers the answer was to go to Microsoft for the answer.
When going to Microsoft, their answer was to go to the device owner. Passing the buck should not an option but appears to be more common as everyone’s programming continues to change - teamwork would be nice, so consumers don’t have to spend so much time trying to get what they need to do their job. Who has time to do this every 6 months or so? Thank you.