How can I replicate Fitbit functionality on my Apple Watch?
I'm thinking of replacing my Fitbit Versa 2 with an Apple Watch. My Fitbit has a very specific purpose (which it does well) and I'm concerned I won't be able to replicate that with an Apple Watch.
My Fitbit (which I wear 24/7) passively tracks my steps, whether I'm intentionally working out or walking from the sofa to the freezer for a pint of ice cream. Every step counts. (It helps me to keep my employer's health insurance rates lower.)
I don't think the Apple Watch offers this feature. I understand I can "tell it" when I am starting a workout, but I also want it to count my ice cream steps.
Can I do this with an Apple Watch? (If so, how?) Alternatively, if I wake up every day and tell my watch I'm beginning a workout, can I fool it into thinking I'm working out for the rest of the day so it counts everything?
Thoughts? Thanks!