Accesibility zoom
Hi all.
I need help with a small problem I'm having with the Zoom feature in Accesibility.
I use it a lot (I'm getting old, so my sight needs a little help sometimes, hehe), both the Ctrl + two fingers in the trackpad to zoom in and out, and the Ctrl + Option shortcut to rapidly zoom on cursor position.
Now, the Ctrl + Option shortcut does not work anymore. The only thing I have done that could have affected is to delete CleanMyMac, yesterday, an old version, since I saw here it was considered almost a malware. I cannot think of any other action I have done that might affect that specific feature.
Any idea on what could be happening? BTW, this is on a Mid 2015 MBP with Mojave installed (yes, I know it can be updated, but I'm still using some 32 bit apps).
TIA for your help.
MacBook Pro