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iPhone 14 Pro Cellular Connection Issues

Is anyone else having major issues with their cellular service on the iPhone 14/14 Pro series? Ever since switching from my iPhone 13 Pro Max, I've had nothing but constant issues which include:

- Slow data (at times even when right next to a 5G UW tower)

- Frequent cellular service drops - noticing this happen especially when the phone switches on 5G, but even happens when my phone is on Wi-Fi calling (this is to the point where I cannot reliably use texting for SMS)

iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 16

Posted on Sep 26, 2022 7:16 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Dec 26, 2023 9:05 AM

I have been experiencing a major issue with my iPhone 14 service for several months now. While driving, it randomly loses service. I have tried various solutions, so please read carefully before suggesting something I have already attempted:

1. Resetting network settings

2. Restarting the phone

3. Switching from Visible to Mint (initially thinking the problem was with the carrier)

4. Turning off auto-switching to 5G

5. Enabling only LTE

6. Reinstalling the eSIM

7. Updating the phone repeatedly

8. Contacting Apple support, only to be told that everything seems to be fine

After each attempt, I couldn't fully test it unless I was driving, and unfortunately, the issue persisted. It has become incredibly frustrating, but I would like to avoid going to an Apple store if possible. I have noticed many people on Google complaining about the same problem. Has anyone been able to find a solution? Why hasn't Apple addressed this issue yet?

I am starting to regret upgrading my phone last year. Are there any suggestions or personalized solutions that have worked for others?

I will sue Apple if anything happens because of that issue while I'm on the road!

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Dec 26, 2023 9:05 AM in response to drewfromsaint louis park

I have been experiencing a major issue with my iPhone 14 service for several months now. While driving, it randomly loses service. I have tried various solutions, so please read carefully before suggesting something I have already attempted:

1. Resetting network settings

2. Restarting the phone

3. Switching from Visible to Mint (initially thinking the problem was with the carrier)

4. Turning off auto-switching to 5G

5. Enabling only LTE

6. Reinstalling the eSIM

7. Updating the phone repeatedly

8. Contacting Apple support, only to be told that everything seems to be fine

After each attempt, I couldn't fully test it unless I was driving, and unfortunately, the issue persisted. It has become incredibly frustrating, but I would like to avoid going to an Apple store if possible. I have noticed many people on Google complaining about the same problem. Has anyone been able to find a solution? Why hasn't Apple addressed this issue yet?

I am starting to regret upgrading my phone last year. Are there any suggestions or personalized solutions that have worked for others?

I will sue Apple if anything happens because of that issue while I'm on the road!


Jan 23, 2023 3:36 AM in response to Jaesim

I'm having the same issue with no cell service at home. Just learned that it's because the iphone 14 doesn't have the cdma technology anymore and my area doesn't have great service. I have US Cellular, but honestly I don't think that matters in my area. Anyway, I'm still in the 2 week window of being able to return the phone. I'm curious if you ended up keeping your iphone 14 or doing something else (e.g. downgrading to iphone 13 which still uses cdma - for now) to have service when not on wifi.

Trying to figure out what to do while I still have options for return. Anything you learned would be helpful. Thanks.


Oct 13, 2022 4:45 PM in response to drewfromsaint louis park

I have the new IPhone 14. So many issues - but I think it is because of Verizon. I had just switched and upgraded. I miss ATT.

I listen to Audible with air pod pros. The sound just stops. I have to push play again. I’ve rest the air pods and it worked for a while, but then it happens again.

my calls drop, I have trouble sending messages and 5g is SLOW.

Is this an Apple issue? A defective phone? Verizon?

what to do?!


Jan 22, 2023 9:46 AM in response to drewfromsaint louis park

Yes. Frequently. In my case, I recently switched from Samsung S22 Ultra to the iPhone 14 Pro Max. My cellular provider is US Mobile. My plan communicates over Verizon networks. Never had a single problem in two years with my S22 or cell provider.

Example, if I'm driving for an hour so and using CarPlay, I noticed that when my connection changes from 5G to LTE a data connection loss occurs. Streaming Music from various streaming services, phone calls, text messages and navigation simply stops even though the iPhone's radio shows that data is connected with 5 bars. Siri responds with a type of connectivity issue response.

When the data connection changes from LTE back to 5G, data connection still fails. I've tried enabling and disabling airplane mode, enabling and disabling cell connection. I disconnect from CarPlay and try music, texts and calls but it still fails. Nothing helps other than rebooting the phone.

I've already tried resetting network settings, etc and all of the other canned responses from apple support and other sites. Its upsetting, 1200.00 for an unlocked iPhone. Plus cases and MagSafe chargers , cable extensions for home and vehicle. Almost 1500.00 worth of apple products in total.

My iPhone is running 16.2. I've read that this might be specific to Verizon but who knows. Personally, it feels like a firmware issue. Hopefully something that can be fixed in software. I only have one week to return everything so I hope a fix happens fast.


Apr 21, 2023 7:37 AM in response to wang3t

FYI: My experience and steps taken to solve my problem: 

  1. Schedule a visit to Apple Store for HW and RF check. You might need to perform "erase install" your while at Apple Store, so be prepared to upgrade to the latest iOS version (e.g. 16.4.1) and perform backup to iCloud (or MacBook/PC).  
  2. If you still have same problem, Contact your carrier, e.g. Verizon, to get support.  

My case: I provided info (as that to Apple Store or Apple Support) and was asked for the IMEI and carrier bundle and was told to reboot the device and data profile will be pushed and re-inited. 

After getting carrier's support to re-inited my (e)SUM data profile, I don't run into the same problem and I could not DUP this problem at places where I experienced the problem before.  



Oct 18, 2022 4:20 PM in response to drewfromsaint louis park

It's been happening the same thing to me with my Iphone 14 pro.

I'm with Mint Mobile which uses the network from T-mobile, and it never happened to me before with my Iphone 11 pro. Now it even happens when I'm connected to the Wifi, so I believe is an iphone issue. It's getting very annoying.


Nov 9, 2022 9:25 PM in response to drewfromsaint louis park

Iphone 14 pro here on the T-Mobile Network in the Renton area and Burien/Normandy Park Washington state.

I'm having constant issues with only 1 or 2 bars and it switching from LTE to 5G once in awhile I see 5gUC. I have done various resets. I'm not sure if I should just return the phone to T-Mobile and get my money back or what! I traded in a iphone 11 for this iphone 14 pro. I don't even know if I would get that phone back or what?


Do I wait things out for a fix, but loose out on my return window??

I really don't know what to do!!


Feb 25, 2023 11:00 PM in response to drewfromsaint louis park

I have an iphone14 and m facing the same issues. my network is pretty strong on 5G and my other android phone has no issues with same network provider, but the 14 keeps losing data connection pretty much every now and then. its surely not the cellular service company. Have enabled 5G and the "Allow more data on 5G" option. Changed the date and time setting to "automatically"; this I got from some other groups. restarted the iphone14 multiple times...but all to no avail!!! frustrated with my new purchase.


Oct 25, 2022 11:13 AM in response to Jaesim

Something to think about→Don't use VPN - GITHUB

There are two legitimate purposes for using VPN:

  • To allow access to a private network such as a school or business when you are not on site. 
  • To allow access outside of a country with a repressive government that has restricted Internet access. (This has suddenly become more important)

Any other use is risky, and can lead to problems like the one you encountered. VPN disguises your location by making you appear to be somewhere else in the world. But you usually can’t control that “somewhere else”, and if it is in a location that an app isn’t approved for the app won’t work. Plus the fact that the provider of the VPN knows everything about you and your location, as well as what sites you access through the VPN. So you are totally dependent on the VPN provider’s honesty. As a start, if the VPN is free, DON’T USE IT. The provider has to make money somehow, and if you aren’t paying them then they are selling your private data to make money. But even those that charge can’t necessarily be trusted. For example, a few years ago Avast was caught selling user browsing data. They claim they have stopped doing so. 

You don’t really need VPN when using public Wi-Fi, because all communications between your device and the servers it accesses are end-to-end encrypted.

If you want VPN for privacy about the sites you visit, that’s not a good choice as discussed; instead you should download and use the TOR browser.

With iOS 15.2 and later for iOS/iPadOS and MacOS Monterey 12.2 and later Apple now has iCloud+ Private Relay, which is not VPN, but provides a safer browsing environment than VPN, and it doesn't spy on you→About iCloud Private Relay - Apple Support


Oct 27, 2022 8:45 AM in response to Jaesim

VPN frequently creates more problems than it solves. But one important fact is that when you install VPN it configures itself to the specific hardware, iOS version and network that the phone uses. If any of those change it can break the VPN. So any time you change any of these you need to delete the VPN app and profile, restart your phone then add them back (if you still want to use VPN) so it can configure itself to the new environment.

Something to think about→Don't use VPN - GITHUB

There are two legitimate purposes for using VPN:

  • To allow access to a private network such as a school or business when you are not on site. 
  • To allow access outside of a country with a repressive government that has restricted Internet access. (This has suddenly become more important)

Any other use is risky, and can lead to problems like the one discussed in this thread. VPN disguises your location by making you appear to be somewhere else in the world. But you usually can’t control that “somewhere else”, and if it is in a location that an app isn’t approved for the app won’t work. Plus the fact that the provider of the VPN knows everything about you and your location, as well as what sites you access through the VPN. So you are totally dependent on the VPN provider’s honesty. As a start, if the VPN is free, DON’T USE IT. The provider has to make money somehow, and if you aren’t paying them then they are selling your private data to make money. But even those that charge can’t necessarily be trusted. For example, a few years ago Avast was caught selling user browsing data. They claim they have stopped doing so. 

You don’t really need VPN when using public Wi-Fi, because all communications between your device and the servers it accesses are end-to-end encrypted.

If you want VPN for privacy about the sites you visit, that’s not a good choice as discussed; instead you should download and use the TOR browser.

With iOS 15.2 and later for iOS/iPadOS and MacOS Monterey 12.2 and later Apple now has iCloud+ Private Relay, which is not VPN, but provides a safer browsing environment than VPN, and it doesn't spy on you→About iCloud Private Relay - Apple Support


Dec 25, 2022 1:03 PM in response to DreadieG

DreadieG wrote:

Lawrence..Disconnecting the VPN worked but why is this happening?

Good question! There are several possible answers.

  • The quality of your VPN provider and the load on their network
  • Where the endpoint of your VPN “tunnel” is located-if it is geographically far from your real location, or in another country your GPS location won’t match the location of your internet connected, and some providers will suspect fraud
  • If you have just updated iOS or moved to a new phone your VPN may be “confused” about your network settings - you should really remove your VPN app and profile and reinstall them (after restarting) any time you transfer content to a new phone or install a major iOS update. When you install VPN it analyzes your network configuration and customizes its settings. A different phone, or even an iOS update can change the internal network configuration, and the VPN using the old configuration will no longer work correctly.

Now on to my VPN lecture:

VPN frequently creates more problems than it solves - Something to think about→Don't use VPN - GITHUB

There are two legitimate purposes for using VPN:

  • To allow access to a private network such as a school or business when you are not on site. 
  • To allow access outside of a country with a repressive government that has restricted Internet access.

Any other use is risky, and can lead to problems like the one discussed in this thread. VPN disguises your location by making you appear to be somewhere else in the world. But you usually can’t control that “somewhere else”, and if it is in a location that an app isn’t approved for the app won’t work. Plus the fact that the provider of the VPN knows everything about you and your location, as well as what sites you access through the VPN. So you are totally dependent on the VPN provider’s honesty. As a start, if the VPN is free, DON’T USE IT. The provider has to make money somehow, and if you aren’t paying them then they are selling your private data to make money. But even those that charge can’t necessarily be trusted. For example, a few years ago Avast was caught selling user browsing data. They claim they have stopped doing so. 

You don’t really need VPN when using public Wi-Fi, because all communications between your device and the servers it accesses are end-to-end encrypted.

If you want VPN for privacy about the sites you visit, that’s not a good choice as discussed; instead you should download and use the TOR browser.

With iOS 15.2 and later for iOS/iPadOS and MacOS Monterey 12.2 and later Apple now has iCloud+ Private Relay, which is not VPN, but provides a safer browsing environment than VPN, and it doesn't spy on you→About iCloud Private Relay - Apple Support


Oct 27, 2022 8:40 AM in response to Basspro22

There is no “simmless” technology. Just instead of physical SIMs like your iPhone 7 Plus newer phones have electronic SIMs. The only “simless” phones were early Verizon phones that used CDMA technology and the first AMPs network phones (c. 1985) that used TDMA technology.

Your 7 Plus should be upgraded to iOS 15.7 and you should verify that you have the latest carrier settings update→Update your carrier settings on your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support.

And note that T-Mobile now only supports LTE for data and VoLTE for voice on your iPhone 7.

BTW, carriers aren’t always up to date on network status. Here’s a link to a crowd-sourced site that has more current information→Down Detector - Crowdsourced Outage Check


Oct 19, 2023 11:27 AM in response to drewfromsaint louis park

Ok, I had this exact same issue...I called Apple & Verizon an infuriating amount of times...and of course...they were no help.

I found the solution on my own. If you have a VPN on your phone (even if it is NOT connected) do the following:

  • In settings...select "General", then "Background App Refresh"...find the VPN app and toggle this OFF.
  • In settings...select "Cellular", find the app again and toggle if OFF.

VPNs can be wonderful, but I had no idea how badly it messes with data connections, even in an idle state.


iPhone 14 Pro Cellular Connection Issues

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