After upgrading iOS 16.0.2 phone crashed
As my iphone 13 pro crashed without any physical demage suddenly I noticed my screen turned black & yellow non stop flickering.
Due to this continuous flickering phone became very warm and I was unable to make the phone off as the display was flickering without showing anything.
When i tried to call my number from another mobile it was not ringing infact no response from that phone i was trying to call.
I want a replacement as there is no physical demage from my end.
Don't know what resolution apple will provide but i will not accept the same handset if repaired as I don't have any nearest service centre in my town and I need to travel more than 350 kms to reach my nearest service centre.
And due to this reason i will not accept the same handset in repaired condition as it became very warm and I feel it is very risky to use the same handset again.
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 16