getting new owned music on hard drive
Hi All,
Here's a challenge...about 5 years ago I decided to store my music (cd's) on XHD. The apple senior advisor split my hard drive into 1. Time Machine Backups 2. WD iTunes. Worked really great when I wanted to get my playlists onto my spare iPhone 5s (or my old iPod).
But now Apple is all in the finder. And I still have all my bought/owned music in the old Music App in the dock.
I've added a bunch more cd's to my music, but they aren't on the hard drive. I can't remember how I transferred new cd's etc onto my hard drive from my mac then onto the hard drive (WD iTunes). I made notes, that seemed very clear then but not so much now.
Can anyone help? Currently backing up via Time Machine.
I'm also doing this because even though everybody says Apple Music won't grab your owned music when you quit the subscription, a senior advisor at Apple Support said to be safe back your owned music up before you quit the subscription.
Hope somebody can help!
Thank you!
MacBook Air