Xascha Said:
"Face ID on iPad Pro: Thank you, but that's not really the problem. It's not that it isn't working at all - it's just quite unreliable on my ipad pro. But I'll get in touch with Apple support, thanks."
You are welcome.
Troubleshooting Face ID:
A. About Contacting Apple Support:
Please reply back with that Apple says. If you come across a solution, then providing that on these forums would most certainly help others.
Apple Support Contact Info:
- Contact Us - Choose Locations
- Proceed from there as necessary
- Note: Phone calls are taking a bit to go through at the moment, due to lots of calls. With the Coronavirus Pandemic. And that makes sense because many are at home at the moment, with much time on their hands to contact Apple. So, just stay on the line, and you will get through :)
B. Provide a Screenshot:
Can you provide a screenshot of this message? See here: Take a Screenshot on your Mac - Apple Support
Important: Blank out any personal info(i.e. names and eMail addresses), by covering it with rectangles.
C. A few sites to refer to: