Panic CPU CATERR detected (error)
Since a few days I keep getting the error below:
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff026d9ab08): x86 CPU CATERR detected
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0x6
OS release type: User
OS version: 20P411
macOS version: 21G217
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 22.1.0: Sun Oct 9 19:46:56 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8792.41.9~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010
KernelCache UUID: B7EE8CD951B2BA089DFDEDE928F572B1
Kernel UUID: F0934039-FED3-3E70-8E87-BF08A56907C2
Boot session UUID: 634E7250-2FDE-41F3-B0D1-C84BC5E29C30
iBoot version: iBoot-8419.41.10
secure boot?: YES
roots installed: 0
x86 EFI Boot State: 0x16
x86 System State: 0x0
x86 Power State: 0x0
x86 Shutdown Cause: 0x1
x86 Previous Power Transitions: 0x10001000100
PCIeUp link state: 0x89473614
macOS kernel slide: not available
Paniclog version: 14
Kernel slide: 0x0000000020a48000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffff027a4c000
mach_absolute_time: 0x10f13601212
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x636dc62e 0x0006a1d5
Sleep : 0x63722356 0x000309c6
Wake : 0x63722430 0x0001e450
Calendar: 0x6372244d 0x0007bdfe
Zone info:
Zone map: 0xffffffe03a91c000 - 0xffffffe63a91c000
. VM : 0xffffffe03a91c000 - 0xffffffe120f80000
. RO : 0xffffffe120f80000 - 0xffffffe16dc4c000
. GEN0 : 0xffffffe16dc4c000 - 0xffffffe2542b0000
. GEN1 : 0xffffffe2542b0000 - 0xffffffe33a914000
. GEN2 : 0xffffffe33a914000 - 0xffffffe420f7c000
. GEN3 : 0xffffffe420f7c000 - 0xffffffe5075e4000
. DATA : 0xffffffe5075e4000 - 0xffffffe63a91c000
Metadata: 0xffffffe01afc8000 - 0xffffffe01c7c8000
Bitmaps : 0xffffffe01c7c8000 - 0xffffffe01ca18000
TPIDRx_ELy = {1: 0xffffffe5070c2ba8 0: 0x0000000000000000 0ro: 0x0000000000000000 }
CORE 0 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details.
CORE 1: PC=0xfffffff027c6a7d0, LR=0xfffffff027c6a7d0, FP=0xffffffe7da8eff00
Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Panicked task 0xffffffe25425d680: 0 pages, 229 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Panicked thread: 0xffffffe5070c2ba8, backtrace: 0xffffffe7daa576c0, tid: 411
lr: 0xfffffff027c39318 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57700
lr: 0xfffffff027c39128 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57770
lr: 0xfffffff027d6ee44 fp: 0xffffffe7daa577e0
lr: 0xfffffff027d6dddc fp: 0xffffffe7daa578a0
lr: 0xfffffff027bf95fc fp: 0xffffffe7daa578b0
lr: 0xfffffff027c38b9c fp: 0xffffffe7daa57c60
lr: 0xfffffff0282e1100 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57c80
lr: 0xfffffff026d9ab08 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57cb0
lr: 0xfffffff026d82604 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57d10
lr: 0xfffffff026d8bac8 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57d60
lr: 0xfffffff026d84b58 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57e00
lr: 0xfffffff026d81b94 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57e70
lr: 0xfffffff026ba0b40 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57ea0
lr: 0xfffffff02822c5a8 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57ee0
lr: 0xfffffff02822be00 fp: 0xffffffe7daa57f20
lr: 0xfffffff027c046c0 fp: 0x0000000000000000
The Macbook shows a popup at reboot with the error as stated above.
The device is a MacBook Pro 16" 2019 2,3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9.
What can I do to solve this error?