The iPad Pro 2022 model will most definitely find and connect to a 6G (6E) band. Most routers that offer a 6G band are "Tri-Band" routers (2.4Ghz , 5Ghz and 6Ghz). Before you begin check that your router and iPad have the latest updates installed. When setting up your router it's best to give each band a unique name (SSID).
For example: 2.4Ghz: SlowDirt, 5Ghz: FasterYet_5G and 6GHz: WarpSpeed_6G. You can still use the same password for each band. Non-6G capable devices will not see the 6G band; but the iPad Pro 2022 model will see it in WiFi settings.
In your router settings make sure that the SSID for each band is visible (i.e. not hidden). Suggest turning off "Smart Connect" or "Fast Connect" options; wherein the router decides what band a device should connect to.
Following the above suggestions should give you what you want...6G speed on your iPad. If you have additional issues please follow the self-help suggestions given by others.
NOTE: 6G has an even more reduced throughput than 5G (i.e. the ability to cover long distances or pass-through walls).