Photos not opening on MacBook
Photos are not opening on MacBook after clicking on the image.
Photos are not opening on MacBook after clicking on the image.
For others with the same problem what was your fix?
For others with the same problem what was your fix?
By "Photos are not opening" do you mean the app Photos doesn't open when you click on the icon in the dock? Can you find Photos in the Applications folder?
If by "Photos are not opening" you mean when you click on a photo file in the Finder, that's not the usual way it works. Clicking on a picture file probably opens the Preview app, but it depends on how you have it set up. You can change the app that opens upon clicking an icon by changing the setting in the "Get Info" window. Select the file, type command-i, and go to "Open With" toward the bottom of the window.
If neither of these was you question, get back to us, and give us more details about what's not working. Exactly what do you do, and what is the response? Include your software version information, and how your Photos preferences are set.
Or do you mean that when you double click on a thumbnail image in an open Photos library the image doesn't open to the full version?
If the latter is the case close the library and reopen it with the Option+Command keys held down to repair the library. Then try again.
Note: you do have backup of your data files and library, right? If not you should get an external HD about 2 ½ - 3 times the size of your boot drive and start it out with Time Machine.
Thank you Richard Taylor I really appreciate your help! I was able to fix the problem. My individual photos were not opening w/in the app. It went wonky after I uploaded the Ventura iOS update. All the best.
Thank you Old Toad. It was very kind of you to offer your help. I’m am back in business. 👍
Photos not opening on MacBook