Malware Malarky?
i seem to have an infestation of spyware wrecking havoc on the ‘old iPhone. I recently dialed field test mode and just as I was diving deep it glitched off. Screen goi g black. And still today will not let me dial that code and enter field test mode.
i was snooping around my app analytics and privacy report. I was able to find ip addresses that were somehow connected to my account. I ran the ip’s through a tracker and found interesting results. Three of the ip’s had a familiar address associated with them. I also found an obscure website called ‘unicorn’ that seems to be getting a lot of my info. This website is just some random weird blog. Could it possibly be a “front” to malware or spy app? Also right after I discovered this I went to use my Apple App Store and it was gone. Yea that’s right, no longer housed on my device, vanished. What do you make of this malware malarky? And what can I do?!
[Edited by Moderator]