transfer music from an old ipod to a new ipod
Is there a method to transition from an old device to a new one without using a third party product?
Is there a method to transition from an old device to a new one without using a third party product?
Hello GTR-17,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. It sounds like you want to transfer your music to a new iPod. Your transfer options will depend on how the songs were added to your iPod initially. For instance, if you put them on your old iPod using a computer, you will likely need to do the same using the guidance from the article you previously reviewed, Use iTunes to sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod with your computer - Apple Support.
If you purchased them or added the songs using Apple Music, you have a couple options. First, it may be best to restore your backup, if one was created. For information on both restore methods, check out Restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from a backup - Apple Support.
Then, if you purchased the songs, use these steps from Redownload music - Apple Support to download them on your new iPod.
"Redownload music in the iTunes Store app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
2. Tap Music. If you use Family Sharing, tap a family member’s name to see music that they purchased.
3. Find the music that you want to redownload, then tap it.
4. Tap the download button next to a song or album."
If you added your music using an Apple Music subscription, make sure you are signed in with the same Apple ID from Settings > [Your name], then turn on Sync Library from Settings > Music. You can also download those songs if you'd like. Information can be found in Add music to iPod touch and listen offline - Apple Support.
Kind regards.
transfer music from an old ipod to a new ipod