Focus gets lost on iOS 16.3 when tapping locked iPhone
I've seen this question asked by other people in other threads, but no answer has been given. I mention iOS 16.3 because I'm fully updated, but this has really been happening for a while now.
I have a Mindfulness Focus set up and connected to my meditation app. When I start the app, the Mindfulness Focus is enabled and shared across all my devices. I have Allow Notifications set to People:None Allowed and Apps:None Allowed.
Now while my meditation app is running, the iPhone Lock Screen interval expires and the phone locks. However I can tell by looking at other devices that the Mindfulness Focus is still set. As soon as I tap my locked iPhone though, the Mindfulness Focus immediately turns off, even if I don't unlock the phone! If I unlock the phone (which is still running the meditation app in the foreground), the Mindfulness Focus turns back on.
In the Mindfulness Focus settings, as I've said, I have people allowed none, and apps allowed none. I have tried setting a custom Lock Screen and this makes no difference. I have tried setting the Mindfulness Focus Notification Options and nothing fixes this. Not Show On Lock Screen, Dim Lock Screen, Hide Notification Badges, or Filter Conversations or Filter by People List. No matter of any of these settings, as soon as you tap a locked iPhone, Mindfulness Focus gets turned off.
Do Not Disturb Focus does not suffer from this same problem. This seems like a bug in iOS.
iPhone 12 Pro