Hi, Greth49,
Unfortunately, the titles in iMovie have fades and there is no feature to remove them. There are several workarounds, however. Take a look at this thread:
Remove fade-ins and fade-outs from titles… - Apple Community
Here are some ways that I have created titles without fades:
- Drag the title over a green background. Move the cursor to the place in the title display where you want to freeze it. Take a screen shot of the title from the preview screen. (You can use the Command-Shift-5 feature to outline the screen and take a screen shot.) The screen shot will appear on your desktop. Drag it into the iMovie project. Then you can overlay the title anywhere you want (over a photo, video clip, or black or other color background). This method works well to eliminate the fade, but you would have a static title with no animation.
- If you want an animated title with no fades, you can make the title in the free app store application, Keynote, and then import the title into iMovie.
- You can create a title over a transparency screen and then drag it into iMovie and overlay it with the Picture in Picture feature of iMovie. You can create a transparency screen by opening any random photo in the Preview app on your Mac. Then do an Edit/Select All, Edit/Delete. That will leave you with a bank transparency screen. (If a prompt asks if you want to convert, click yes.) Then you can use the Annotate/Text feature of the Preview app to create a text title on the transparency screen. Save and drag the transparency screen title into iMovie and overlay it where you want, using the Picture in Picture feature.
- You can make your title in a new project, export it out, import the exported title movie into your original project as a normal clip,. Then select the title clip and do Modify/Add Freeze Frame at the point where you want to freeze the title. Then trim the front and back on each side of the freeze frame to eliminate the fade. If the title that you made in the auxiliary project was done over a green screen, you can overlay it in the original project anywhere you want using the Green Screen overlay feature of iMovie. You can adjust the duration by using the speed adjustment feature (control-click the title clip, select Show Speed editor from the dropdown menu, drag the speed handle that appears in the upper right corner of the clip.) You can also do the Add Freeze Frame procedure, and trim, before you share out the auxiliary project.
You might be able to devise some shortcuts with any of the above.
-- Rich
iMovie Font Fading in and Fading Out