JoDem wrote:
When I open the Mail Activity Viewer I notice that Apple Mail is forever stuck "Indexing…". It never moves past roughly 5% complete (see the attached screenshot).
Is anyone else experiencing this behavior?
I haven't been able to figure out what is causing it. I have a fast internet connection (fiber), so I know it is not that.
Is there an associated issue with Mail...?
To be honest I never in 20 years looked at that "Activity Viewer" and yours is the first question I remember seeing asking about it.
Same information (seemingly,) that gets reported at the very bottom of the mail column, ex:

You can see Server information, maybe there is a clue if you are reaching maximum capacity of the inbox...or some such(?)

My only suggestion would be to rebuild the Spotlight index( same index Mail uses) and compare your results.
ref: Rebuild the Spotlight index on your Mac - Apple Support