No sound on Hulu app
I’m not able to hear ANYTHING on my Hulu app on my iPad. Everything else works fine. This just started today. How can I fix this.
iPad, iPadOS 16
I’m not able to hear ANYTHING on my Hulu app on my iPad. Everything else works fine. This just started today. How can I fix this.
iPad, iPadOS 16
Greetings jheri147,
Welcome to the Apple Support Communities! We have a few steps that may help. Do the following steps in this order:
If you complete these steps and still have an issue with just Hulu playing sound, you'll want to delete the Hulu app from your iPad and then reinstall it to your device. This page will walk you through removing an app from your iPad: Delete apps on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support. Once reinstalled, if the issue remains, you'll want to reach out to Hulu directly for further support. Let them know that the issue only happens when using Hulu, and that sounds work within all other apps. If you need help with how to locate contact information for Hulu, this page can help: How to contact an app developer - Apple Support.
Best wishes!
There is an issue with the Hulu app.
What works for me is stop the video, close the video.
Go down to continue watching, open the video again.
Also, uninstall/ reinstall while hopping on your left foot didn't fix anything for me.
No sound on Hulu app