Photos not working and messing up my photos manual order
Sorry for the venting, i've tried to put off switching from Iphotos to Photos for as long as i could but now i can't update my mac to Ventura because iPhotos isn't supported there. My problem is that Photos is being a real *****. I have literally hundred of thousands of photos with comics and books so you guess the order of my pics is pretty **** important. However when i transfer my library to Photos, they all come completely jumbled up within my albums. I can get individual albums to transfer to one library with their original order but whenever i try to merge or add another album it comes in as a mess. I've resigned myself to sorting the photos manually but the drag and drop function sometimes just mess up the order as well. Clicking on a random photo sometimes only show me the top photos of the album. I can't believe it's been all these years and Photos is still inferior to iPhotos in term of management. They don't even have a manual sorting setting!
My questions are:
- Is there a way to transfer my iPhoto library to Photos without messing up the order of the pics in my album? I use PowerPhoto to do that.
- What is happening with drag and drop and display in Photos? If i have to spend hours reorganising everything manually, how do i do it?
- Is there any other photos management software for Mac that can give me all the functionality from iPhotos like albums, manual sorting, titles appearing and, most importantly, allow me to import pics from iPhotos with their original order intact.
Really thank you for your help.
MacBook Pro 13″