random system settings apps like Keyboard, Display,etc turn to (not responding) if you switch to another iMessage app or news, email,etc.
Ventura 13.2.1 Mac-Mini M2 Pro: random system settings apps like Keyboard, Display,etc turn to (not responding) if you switch to another iMessage app or news, email,etc.
To replicate: Launch system settings and Force Quit . Switch to System settings.. Select Keyboard, Click on Keyboard Shortcuts. Now select some other app like safari or iMessage or Mail.. Keep and eye on Force quit applications window.
You should see the not responding for Keyboard show up.. If you dont then select Displays, then advanced. select Done.
Watch Force quit Applications window.. It should now show up. Very consistent for me.
Simple fix without having to force quit not responding app is to Simple go back to System Setting then select Keyboard .. You will notice (not responding) issue goes away. See below image to see hung processes.
Super easy to replicate.. Anyone else know about this? Is their a bug filed for this issue?
Mac mini