Has anyone else seen NYC MTA attempt to charge Apple Pay when you weren't using the subway? I see an attempted charge on my Apple Cash card (which has no balance) from the middle of the night. One hour of my life lost this morning to three poorly-trained Apple support representatives telling me different things - including that someone could have logged into my Apple ID on their own device and downloaded my Apple Cash card onto their device - and all without Apple ever having notified me on my own devices, despite 2FA.
I'm trusting that isn't true - because if it is, someone needs to call the NYT and expose Apple's gross negligence and I need to get rid of every apple device and get my data out of their system. I believe this is necessary however, since Apple throws warnings and notifications at me if I so much as use a different browser on my own device. I was told by one representative that I should change every one of my passwords because of this incident and check with my banks. There is no limit to how much of someone's time an incompetent person is willing to waste.
Then I see an old thread in this community that there appears to be an issue that's impacted > 1000 people who clicked "me too" with async charges or charge attempts by that name. Yet apple support seems to know nothing about it?!
Well, I'm glad the community exists -- but it's really sad to see Apple ignoring such feedback and such poor training for apple support - INCLUDING supervisors.