On the 6TB drive it's not the library it's just a folder I keep photos in of my artwork. These are the original scans, straight from the scanner to the 6TB drive and then I call those files up into Photoshop and color correct saving them as a renamed copy of the original so I know the work has been done.
I'm not sure how it is formatted, it is connected at the back of the computer and handles files just the same as the machine's internal drive would handle them. (I'm sorry I don't know the technical terms for much.)
The library was on a Drobo. But my drobo died in 2020 and it was replaced with a Synology which I'm not using. By that I mean I don't have the same connection path to it. This is a huge mess you really don't want to hear about. But it's still a work in progress. When the Drobo died my tech guy gave me the 6TB to set up a new series of files. Video and art. I open FCP and drag what I need into it from that and I do my edit and out put to the 6TB.
Now that I write this all out I'm worried that I have unwittingly created a new library on my machine's hard drive since I didn't have the path to the Drobo. I'm going to have to look that up and see how I check that.
I'm beginning to think I'm in too stupid a situation, without enough knowledge, for you to even help.
But if any of this makes sense to you and you have a suggestion let me know.
All I know is that when the drobo worked I had my separate files of videos and art scans in dedicated folders and then had my library also on the drobo. And as I mentioned the change to the Syn. was very confusing because I had to change file "protocols" or something on that so FPC would recognize the libraries. And because of that and the whole disaster of the switch over I didn't use the Syn for FCP in the intervening time and started a new library on the 6TB (or so I thought)
Again, if you have any thoughts let me know and I'll try them out tomorrow when I come in. Thanks for your patience.