Universal Control is dead.
I have three Apple devices on my desk - a MacBook Pro, a MacBook Air, and an iPad. All have everything necessary turned on, same local network, strong WiFi connection, etc. In short, everything necessary to make Universal Control work is there. Has always been there for the whole duration of this year and worked every.single.day.
I was able to seamlessly send my cursor across all of them.
After the latest upgrade Ventura, I can not anymore.
Tried everything listed below - both individually and in combination.
- Logging off and on
- Logging out from the iCloud account and logging in
- restarting every device
- turning off hands-off and then on
I was able to make universal control appear exactly once across MacBook Pro and iPad, and exactly once across MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, but after sending the devices to sleep - it stopped and did not appear again.
I also checked the network settings. Remote desktop using vnc://local IP works so does display --> extend display/mirror display in other devices.
All of these means just one thing: Universal Control is buggy and dead. It is not an issue of the network, or connectivity, or Bluetooth.
Please fix.