I finally solved this frustrating Notes syncing problem.
For the last few years Apple Notes across my device (MAC, iPhone, iPad) would not sync correctly. I had over 650 Notes, and many of them had attachments, e.g., pictures, links to subdirectories, and PDFs. And I was sharing some notes. The problems I experienced included some Notes not syncing; always a different number of notes on different devices (a difference of 30+ notes across synced devices); occasionally Notes updates would not replicate across devices (VERY bad). And I tried ALL the Apple recommended approaches and various online suggestions, including deleting ALL Notes on a device then re-syncing from Apple Cloud to refresh the sync. But despite many attempts, I just could not get my Notes to correctly replicate across my devices nor stay synced afterwards. It was a big mess and causing me a lot of grief.
Here’s how I solved my problems - which required investing over 6 hours meticulously reviewing the contents of *every single Note*. Prior to performing the activities below I deleted all Notes from my iPhone and iPad and then worked on the Notes on my MAC (I wanted to force the Notes on Cloud to sync with the changes below):
- I removed ALL embedded PDFs. Someone else mentioned they fixed Notes by doing this and sometimes PDF files are large, so I figured go after the big rocks. I found and deleted about 50 PDFs (some 25-50 pages).
- I deleted ALL embedded TIFF images. I hardly ever *use* TIFF files anymore, so was surprised to see them - but they tend to be large.
- I deleted old, obsolete Notes files - brought down my Notes count from 650 to 500. To me, this is a stupid waste of time and I would not even think of doing this if not desperate, but since I was trolling through every Note anyway I figured it couldn’t hurt to cleanup a bit.
- I deleted the FEW embedded NUMBERS spreadsheets I had - figuring those might be Notes complications worth avoiding.
- While I left most embedded pictures (PNG, JPG or HEIC), I did remove some pics when there was, say, more than a dozen in one note. For the record, I organize most my pics elsewhere so there were only few hundred pics total across all my Notes but I cleaned out obsolete stuff.
- I deleted or resolved any Notes ambiguities - i.e., the 1st line of a Note is used for sorting and - I worry - possibly syncing, so it turns out I had a few ambiguities (i.e., Notes with the same Title line) - in one case, a half-dozen with the same name. I figure couldn’t hurt to clean that up.
- I reduced the number of shared notes (meaning shared with my family members on different Apple ID's) down to the bare minimum (less than 10) - I had about 20 shared Notes files. (My last resort w/b to unshare all.)
All considered, my effort was focused on 1) reducing raw space, 2) removing complexity, 3) eliminating ambiguities. And it worked. What a relief!
Suggestion for Apple Notes developers (if listening): Please add a “Sort by Size” option under Notes/View menu - if I’d have had this, I surely would simply have sorted by size and focused on the problem children first. My guess is that I could have solved my problems in a few minutes (rather than hours).
Good luck Notes users - I hope this helps!
[Edited by Moderator]