ruchika33 Said:
"Notifications not showing on iPhone 11 Pro (ios 16.4.1): Notifications stopped showing few days back on iPhone 11 Pro. I updated the software to 16.4.1 but still no notifications. I have tried resetting network settings and checked all apps notifications in both settings as well as apps but they are all set correctly."
Report this Bug to Apple:
Do your Part: These are user-to-user forums. Apple rarely reads these forums on their own time as it is. So, provide Apple with feedback on this. Apple wont get back to you directly, but the more they hear of this, the more they will know what is going on, and what needs to be fixed.
To Provide Feedback:
- Go Here: Feedback - iPhone - Apple
- Select: "Bug Report" for the "Feedback Type"
- Comment: that this all stated after installing an update. Include the URL of this thread.
- Proceed form there as necessary