How to fix audio sync issues with air pods pro and apple tv
Air Pods Pro do not sync with the audio and visual output from a projector tv.
AirPods Pro
Air Pods Pro do not sync with the audio and visual output from a projector tv.
AirPods Pro
Apple support has an article online that may help:
Use Bluetooth accessories with your Apple TV - Apple Support
You might want to check that you are only connecting AirPods to one device at a time. (Eg may not be switching between multiple devices.
See if turn off / turn on bluetooth helps
Switch your AirPods to another device – Apple Support
Apple support has an article online that may help:
Use Bluetooth accessories with your Apple TV - Apple Support
You might want to check that you are only connecting AirPods to one device at a time. (Eg may not be switching between multiple devices.
See if turn off / turn on bluetooth helps
Switch your AirPods to another device – Apple Support
How to fix audio sync issues with air pods pro and apple tv