Sorry you had this experience. Nike indeed offers Apple Pay online at, in their app and at brick and mortar stores. Here are screenshots I just took of both their checkouts (app and online).
None of us here are Apple employees., just fellow Apple users, like yourself. I understand your confusion as a new customer and while I sympathize with your situation, you failed to fulfill the terms and conditions of the offer. If you receive compensation, as a goodwill gesture, you should consider yourself very lucky. I know this wasn’t what you expected to hear, but you can see both sites clearly offer Apple Pay.
My advice stands, if you’re dissatisfied, return the product for a refund.
In the future you may want to have the terms and conditions explained to you. Ask here in the Apple Support Community, or on Reddit or the numerous Facebook Groups. People will gladly explain the details of the terms and conditions so you don’t make the same mistake again.
Apple Card - Features - Apple
Make purchases using Apple Pay - Apple Support