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iPhone 14 pro max camera issues

So I got the iPhone 14 pro max and I am in love with everything about it except it has one of the biggest problems; the camera. I thought it was just me but a lot of people have been complaining about it and apple has not fixed this issue or updated it in a software update. I had an iPhone XR and I can’t believe I’m saying this but the camera is so much better for me than an iPhone 14 pro max. I have had the 14 for a month now and still don’t use it for pictures which defeats the whole process of me upgrading to an iPhone 14 pro max. I am so disappointed in this phone and am even thinking of returning it and buying another XR for storage purposes which is why I had to update.

There were loads of issues with the camera at first that and I have managed to sort a lot of these problems out but I’m so sick of it.

At first the iPhone kept changing my pictures, I would take a picture and it would look a certain way and then as soon as I clicked on the photo to check it’d change completely; the colour, saturation, pixels, definition and looked so dull, greyish and grainy. The pictures are far too over exposed and I don’t like the Deep Fusion feature at all. I could see all my pores and everything that even a human eye cannot see. I understand why because it’s an advanced camera but apple should have created a way to turn this off completely and it should have been the default setting.

Some of the things I did to fix this include:

  • turning my hdr off - improved image a lot but not fully
  • turned of lens correction - didn’t do anything for me either
  • putting on Live Photo and making the non edited version the key photo
  • screenshooting the camera
  • using burst and then choosing the picture that hasn’t been edited

but the problem is these are not permanent fixes and are only temporary; I shouldn’t have to do all this for a normal picture. I tried raw pictures and it didn’t help, there’s not one thing I’ve tried that has fully fixed this problem.

The next problem I faced was with the camera constantly switching + not focusing. I actually found a solution to this thanks to YouTube videos and the internet; you have to put on macro controls on and then turn it off when you’re taking pictures or videos so your camera doesn’t switch automatically. This is also so annoying and just an extra hassle, I have gone to conserved settings and kept it so it won’t change but it’s such an irritating feature. The wide 0.5 camera is such bad quality and completely ruins my 0.5 pictures so I’ve stopped using it all together.

Also, I faced major issues with the colour differences between the XR and the new iPhone 14 pro max. I noticed massive changes to the tones and how yellow and red the iPhone 14 is in comparison to the XR. It’s unrealistic and so disappointing. I tried changing the saturation but it just makes the pictures look even more unrealistic. It’s nothing close to reality because I even compared it to the normal iPhone 14 and iPhone 13 and all the cameras have their own tint and colour. I just want my iPhone 14s front camera and back camera to be the same as my XR. I have tried all sorts; changing saturation, changing the photographic styles and night mode but it doesn’t improve the quality of image at all; just makes it worse. none of the pictures I’ve taken on the 14 look as good as the XR. Even the sky + leaves look dull which is so weird because sometimes the pictures look over saturated when taking them but when you look at it camera roll they’re so dull and look the complete opposite to what they looked like before. There’s no balance at all. My XR camera makes everything look soo good and doesn’t change the quality of pictures or videos but the iPhone 14 needs very specific lighting and other conditions to even look decent.

I’m so upset about this because I genuinely wanted to love the iPhone 14 pro max and I do except from all these camera issues that apple is not fixing. The dynamic island is my favourite thing and the size of the iPhone. I have tried every single setting and updated my phone to the latest software yet nothing is improving and I don’t think apple will be fixing this issue so I may have to downgrade back to my XR or an 11 where these problems don’t exist.

iPhone 14 Pro Max, iOS 16

Posted on Jun 22, 2023 5:18 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Jun 22, 2023 7:09 PM

I’m having the exact same issue… haven’t found any solution. I notice that my videos with the front camera turn out exactly how they looked, however the photos do not. Once they go into my camera roll, they change completely.

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34 replies

Oct 30, 2023 3:04 PM in response to fatiha247

Same here and it is not only the camera but Snapchat and even Instagram. I can’t get away from it. The photo looks good on the screen but as soon as you press the shutter it does this hi def correction. I have messed with every setting to no avail. I wish I never upgraded my phone. My 12 plus had a cracked lens and it was still better than this. Hopefully they will be able to update and correct this somehow otherwise I think they should swap everyone out who bought one to another version. Ugh!

Sep 7, 2023 2:40 AM in response to fatiha247

I'm 6 months in with mine and must say it's produces the worst pictures I've ever seen from an Iphone. All of the above !!! It really struck me after a going to a concert and taking pictures on lighting. Every shot of sky is over blown and other shots are dark. I shouldn't really have to go into Snapseed to fix every image. Wished i'd left Apple and gone with Pixel Pro.

Sep 30, 2023 6:13 PM in response to fatiha247

I've had my 14 pro for almost a year. Very inconsistent focusing. Dozens of phone calls for support. Apple store had me go back to factory settings. They even replaced the camera. Same problems. Some great photos, but both the lighting and focusing is inconsistent. The store offers to take the phone apart, and I'd be without a phone for over a week.

Recently phone support (a wonderful woman) offered to replace it with another iphone 14 pro, which just came in the mail. But from all of the comments here I see no reason to trust that this will resolve the problem. Maybe the "replacement" will be someone else's problems that they exchanged.

What about a class action suit to get our money back???

I keep being told that they are "working" on the problem. I do a lot of wildlife photography and having to turn off the phone to get it to focus better kind of defeats the purpose of having a camera to do my photos.

Jun 27, 2023 9:17 AM in response to fatiha247

Same here. I had the iphone 11 pro max, it was fine, then the 12 pro max, fine again, then starting with 13 pro max it went sideways and now the 14 pro max is abysmal when it comes to the camera processing. I gave up taking photos with it because they're bad unless I am outside in bright sunlight. As soon as I go in shade, if it is cloudy, dusk,dawn or indoors, it's over! I am puzzled what kind of people work in the camera software division. S22,s23 series from Sammy blow the iphone away any time at camera quality and details.

Oct 25, 2023 5:49 PM in response to fatiha247

Same thing with me. I loathe the camera on my 14 Pro Max. My XS Max took the BEST photos - vivid, true to color, needed minimal post-processing, but every photo I take with the 14 Pro Max is abysmal. Looks nothing true to life, dark, muted color and grainy, requiring tons of post-processing which really doesn't help and shouldn't be necessary. Video seems to do a good job of showing true color, but still photos are horrible. I really wish I'd never traded my XS. It was old, but it had an awesome camera.

Sep 12, 2023 5:34 PM in response to fatiha247

I've had this camera almost a year. The same problems you mention. I've talked with Apple at least 20 times about it. I've taken it into the local Apple store and they actually replaced the camera. Still doesn't focus consistently. The video has the right light in situations where the camera is too dark. I end up having to edit all of the photos and throw out many because they aren't focused. I do a lot of nature photography so close ups of flowers, birds etc. If the bird is sitting there and my camera won't focus... it's gone. They had me do a factory reset, etc. etc. etc. Still inconsistent focus. Now they want to do some other "repair" which would leave me with no phone for a week or more. Very frustrated. They said I could exchange it since I'm still under warranty, but apparently that would be a refurbished phone, and probably the same problems. I should have kept my 11.

Oct 16, 2023 6:58 AM in response to fatiha247

I am having the same issue with the iPhone 14 Pro. It saves differently than the preview in camera, I go to make adjustments and the edits turn into something completely different in the gallery. I don't have any filters turned on. It's just the camera and manual edits. I wish apple would fix this. Tempted to ditch apple phones for good.

Dec 30, 2023 10:40 AM in response to fatiha247

I still find that my iphone 14 pro camera is not focusing consistently. The image often is shaking as I try to get it to focus (NOT my hands shaking, I'm sure...) This is after having the entire phone replaced by Apple. I've posted before here about this. Apple just keeps having me upgrade the new software. I turn the phone off. Nothing helps consistently.

I still wonder why there isn't a recall. Or a class action suit.

Oct 1, 2023 4:43 AM in response to Scrxgirl01

Took my phone back to the Genius Bar the beginning of this month and they placed my screen in a new phone body. So basically the whole processing unit is new. Well it didn’t fix the problem. Still videos get blurry when I zoom in. But the color resolution seems have gotten better. My son races motocross and for him to continue with his sponsors I have to post on social media etc., well I can’t or won’t post a blurry video

iPhone 14 pro max camera issues

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