Why can't I use applepay to pay my apple icloud and apple care and apple appstore purchases.
Why can't I use apple pay to pay for my apple icloud and apple care and apple appstore purchases. It seems absolutely hard to understand how 'most credit and debit cards' work at my local shop and the apple.com site says same.
I am an Australian AU in SEAsia (Thailand TH) and have cards from TH, US, SG (note not AU). None work in the above scenario.
I spent an hour talking to the apple support guy who was nice but kept saying 'for my own protection' with no actual explanation. Surely small recurring transactions are a lower risk that adhoc larger apple pay transactions too? It seems completely inconsistent and irrational as well.
I not that even purchasing on the apple.com imposes weird restrictions like which countries my credit card can be from. The whole reason global card schemes like visa, mastercard exist is to make it easier yet someone at apple has decided you can just randomly discriminate against some people in some situations.
They obviously don't realise that moving between countries in asia or europe or africa is just like moving between states in america and they would NEVER discriminate between states in the US but it is ok to do so outside the US.
I have all my photos of our kids on icloud, many many years of them growing up and distant/deceased relatives as well. I have loads of cards and can pay for stuff on apply pay but not renew my icloud subscription.
I have loads of new apple hardware as well and have been a regular purchaser of around 30 devices in the last decade for personal use for the family and 3 or 4x that number for client work purchases.
It seems so unfair. Please help.
Unrelated bug: I am typing this on a Mac Air 15 but it only offers mac pro 15 (my last two macbooks) as options for classifying this post in the community blog.
[Edited by Moderator]