Ksu8574 Said:
"My face id will not work after iso 16.5.1.: My face id will not work after iso 16.5.1. I tried to reset my face id as and it just tells me to lower my face and is stuck on that screen.I have tired powering down and restarting with no luck. I rest my iphone and it still doesnt work."
Report this as a Bug to Apple:
Do your Part: Provide Apple with feedback on this. Apple wont get back to you directly, but the more they hear of this, the more they will know what is going on, and what needs to be fixed.
To Provide Feedback:
- Go Here: Feedback - iPhone - Apple
- Select: "Bug Report" for the "Feedback Type"
- Comment: that this all started after installing the latest update. Include the URL of this thread.
- Proceed from there as necessary