Music /radio apps continually restarting
I don’t know if this a issue related the way that my I iPhone is configured ?
Or maybe it is to do with the set up on my automobile headset , anyways I hope that someone will have a solution to this annoying problem ?
the situation is as follows ….
I am in my car ,I open an application for streaming either a radio show or other music etc
. I listen to the show in the car ,through the car headset either Bluetooth or usb….
situation A
(this seems normal )
without touching the phone
i stop the car, close it , do what I need to do .
i get back in the car , the app restarts playing .
situation B
(this is the really annoying one for which I need advice !)
whilst in the car I stop the app ,close it down, because I no longer want to listen.
i stop the car close it ,get out ,do what I need to do,I get back in …..
The app REOPENS and starts playing again despite me not wanting it open
and this will happen over and over again .
in fact the only way I can have peace is to switch the headset off or the phone !!
thanks in advance for your replies