"Apps Using iCloud" not appearing on iCloud
The problem : while my iPad iCloud settings show a list of 20 “Apps Using iCloud” that are toggled to “on”, only 8 are listed on my iCloud Home page and iCloud Drive page.
How or, can, I get all 20 “Apps Using iCloud” (or just more of them) that are turned “on” on my device to appear and be accessible in my iCloud account?
I’m using and iPad with the latest iOS - 16.5.1. I have an active, accessible iCloud+ account and one Apple ID. I have “Advanced Data Protection” and “Access iCloud Data on the Web” turned on on my device.
My iPad iCloud settings showing “Apps Using iCloud” (4 apps show by default):
Clicking “Show All” reveals an additional 16 apps turned “on”:
My iCloud account Home page (signed in) shows only 8 iCloud Apps, meaning 12 Apps, including Pages and Books, are not showing:
Also, none of the 12 “missing” Apps appear under iCloud Drive either, just the same 8 as on my iCloud Home page:
Is there a policy/privacy reason for excluding some or all 12 Apps from appearing or are there settings that I can change to show, in iCloud, all (or just more) of these 12 “Apps Using iCloud” that I have toggled “on” on my device?
This causes confusion and frustration e.g.) I have “Pages” set up for iCloud sync on my device so why is the “Pages” app not showing up in my iCloud account?
Also, it’s a transparency/privacy issue concern e.g.) if I didn’t want my “Pages” app to sync to iCloud and if I viewed my iCloud account only to verify this - and saw the 3rd and 4th images - and didn’t check my device iCloud settings, I would have the misimpression that the Pages app is not syncing because it doesn’t appear. This is in fact what happened. I checked my iCloud account, didn’t see the “Pages” app, so assumed it wasn’t toggled “on” on my device so not syncing to iCloud. I later found that it was syncing.
Thanks in advance from any feedback and/or help understanding this.