Is Apple Podcast app no longer a supported app on the desktop?
Is it possible to delete the Podcast app and reinstall it on a desktop, running Cat. ver. 10.15.7
Mac mini, macOS 10.15
Is it possible to delete the Podcast app and reinstall it on a desktop, running Cat. ver. 10.15.7
Mac mini, macOS 10.15
We need to see what all is running & machine specs, a report from this will not display any personal info...
EtreCheck is a FREE simple little diagnostic tool to display the important details of your system configuration and allow you to copy that information to the Clipboard. It is meant to be used with Apple Support Communities to help people help you with your Mac. It will not display any personal info.
Pastebin is a good place to paste the whole report if you capture the URL while there…
Workable but harder for me to work with...the Note tool on the bottom of this editor's toolbar, as shown in the image, to copy and paste the output from EtreCheck. In a Reply before you click post, look for this to add longer texts...
We need to see what all is running & machine specs, a report from this will not display any personal info...
EtreCheck is a FREE simple little diagnostic tool to display the important details of your system configuration and allow you to copy that information to the Clipboard. It is meant to be used with Apple Support Communities to help people help you with your Mac. It will not display any personal info.
Pastebin is a good place to paste the whole report if you capture the URL while there…
Workable but harder for me to work with...the Note tool on the bottom of this editor's toolbar, as shown in the image, to copy and paste the output from EtreCheck. In a Reply before you click post, look for this to add longer texts...
BDAqua, thank you for your response. However, my problem is much more simple and mundane. I download, organize, and listen to many podcasts on my somewhat older Mac Mini. My OS is capped at Catalina 10.15.7. The Podcast app has struggled for some time, becoming slow and often unresponsive, but just recently it has begun to be unusable, telling me that most of my pod episodes are "...temporarily unavailable, try again later...". I have tried many suggested fixes with no positive results, but much wasted time (fortunately, I am retired). My next step was to delete the app and reinstall, however I am unable to find the stand alone app for anything other then iOS. Hope that clarifies.
Thank you BDAqua, the program helped me look in other directions and get out of my tunnel vision. The problem was in settings, and syncing between old Mac Mini, new MBPro, and new ipad and storage issues. The old horse is my favorite, but the program let me know that it has some serious issues and will need to be replaced. Problem resolved.
FWIW, there is no separate download for macOS.
Good work, great news my friend!:)
Is Apple Podcast app no longer a supported app on the desktop?