Turn off everything having to do with sports in AppleTV?
Why is half the main Watch Now screen taken up with MLS? I've never watched sports on AppleTV, and there's an entire Sports tab I simply avoid, and yet half of the real estate in the main screen in the &@(&# TV app is now taken up with stuff I can't stand.
Yes, I turned off the TV app options regarding sports, and even rebooted Apple TV, but there's still giant blocks for:
MLS Games in the Scrolling Previews at the top of the screen
Season Pass to Subscribe to MLS
Watch Messi on MLS Season Pass
Live & Upcoming Matches
What gives? Does Apple think that by having to scroll past this &@W(&# day after day after day, I'm just going to give in and subscribe? I used to use the AppleTV app to manage what I'm going to watch, but now I have to just go directly to a particular channel and avoid the TV app altogether.