Tom73NM wrote:
Mr Finch: personal question. Numerous times on here I have been told that you all are just users, same as me. But you telling Apple what to put on their web pages sounds like you are more than just a user. Are you Apple staff, paid or volunteer, working with Apple authority? Just curious.
Lawrence may not have seen your question, so I'll answer you. When you spend years on this forum, like Lawrence and many others of us have and you reach level 6 from users awarding you points for being helpful to them (the only way we get points here), you are invited to an inner forum where we have access to the team who run the forum. We can communicate with them directly to ask for help, such as me asking the team to get the document about sharing Apple ID's updated to include phone calls/voicemail messages.
You are welcome to venture out of this particular thread and see if you can help other users, who award points for your help and increase your level to the level which also would give you access to this inner forum. We welcome people who enjoy helping other people.
To confirm however, we are ALL users just like you. We don't work for Apple. We aren't compensated in any way, shape or form by Apple. We just enjoy participating in the forum, helping users with their technical issues.