iPhone 15 Pro Max Heating & Battery Draining Fast
iPhone 15 pro max on iOS 17.0.2
battery drains so fast while talking on the phone and heats becomes very very warm
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iPhone 15 Pro Max, iOS 17
iPhone 15 pro max on iOS 17.0.2
battery drains so fast while talking on the phone and heats becomes very very warm
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 15 Pro Max, iOS 17
I noticed my phone gets hot. But then what's even worse I noticed is that the battery drains so much. I upgraded because my iPhone 11 battery only lasts for a day but then getting this phone didn't make difference: i dont know what to do. Can we get a replacement or everyone has the same issue? I turned always on display off but it's still draining fast
I noticed my phone gets hot. But then what's even worse I noticed is that the battery drains so much. I upgraded because my iPhone 11 battery only lasts for a day but then getting this phone didn't make difference: i dont know what to do. Can we get a replacement or everyone has the same issue? I turned always on display off but it's still draining fast
I got my iPhone 15 Pro Max a month and a half ago but a couple of days ago I noticed my battery will just start dropping suddenly. It would go from 48% to 38% then down to 33% in one minute after just turning the phone off and turning it back on. The chart shows the battery just plummeting. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
Having the same issue with my 15 pro max, battery drained 20% on a 40 minute call last night. Phone was also super warm almost immediately.. Really hoping for a software fix or at least an acknowledgment from apple
yes agree with you .. Poor battery Performance iphone 15 pro Max .. But Who care .. We waste of Our Money 😢😢😭😭 I choose 15 pro max For battery life but Here is iam totally broke 😢
Same issue here: my new iphone 15 pro's battery life is so short and I'm frustrated by it keeps getting warm/hot.
The only reason I chose to purchase a new iPhone is bc I'm not happy with the battery condition on my iphone 12 pro. Turns out I may just got something even worse and I'm now very upset.
Apple: please just get this one thing right. You are disappointing your customers.
Hello @Ddey91,
I just had the same problem during a call with an iPhone 15 Pro on iOS 17.0.2.
The battery went from 60 to 25% in just 1 hour of calling.
The iPhone was very, very hot and I preferred to stop the call.
Having the same problem on the iPhone 15 pro (not max).
brand new phone, battery draining fast.
it also overheated while using maps, so much so it was forced to close maos from the Home Screen after only 3 or so minutes of use.
very disappointing.
need a software fix asap, or maybe the new titanium case isn’t good at keeping cool.
Same here with iPhone 15 pro max (iOS 17.0.2)during a call taking the battery to drain from 98% all the way down to 18% in just 43 minutes!!
Also another issue with video size and comfortability in some app like Snap chat !
You could try all the same things I tried described in this thread.
Go the scientific, methodical, route - measure everything. Duration, from how many % to how many % battery in that time, take screenshots. Every time you change something, give it a few hours until you're confident it changes either something or nothing. Then switch it back and try the next thing. Yes, this will take days, if not weeks, but keep a record of everything you do and the result. As you can see I built quite a record and detailed descriptions of what was going on, including screenshots of the battery drain at some points (I have lots more but didn't want to spam too much here). In the end I could with absolute (or at least 99.99%) certainty show that the problem was in the phone, not any of my apps, my usage pattern, my charge pattern etc. etc. When the evidence is irrefutable then Apple has no option to swap it. Otherwise they can* keep sending you back into the weeds with "have you tried ...".
You may not have to go this far. Maybe all it takes is a simple call to Apple Customer Support and mention your phone drains like crazy and they'll replace it. I may be the weird one, but I like to come prepared to the battlefield 😝 If you're close to an Apple Store maybe you could pay them a visit (closest to me is a 2hrs drive away) and have them take a look at it (I doubt they'll replace it on the spot, but you never know). If you have AppleCare+ then Apple may be even more willing to replace it quickly or without too much asking. However, you do have a right to a decent working product which you paid (dearly) for. So if the phone doesn't do what it's supposed to do or doesn't function as it's supposed to function or doesn't last as long as it's supposed to last then - in most, if not any, part(s) of the world - you're entitled to (most) of your money back or a replacement. It depends on where you live (I'm in Europe) so your mileage may vary. But I'm sure Apple will be happy to replace it if it's actually a lemon (production error).
Having said that: how long does yours last and could you post a screenshot like I posted which clearly shows a) the green battery usage graph and b) the blue activity graph? If you have any means to measure temperature reliably, like I did, then measure the temperature after your phone being "idle" for, say, an hour (with no apps open or anything) and also, or especially, at times when it's hot. Note down what you were doing what (may have) caused the heating in your opinion. Again: measure, build a record. The first thing you're gonna have to do is define what you mean with "battery is draining hard"; what is 'draining hard' in your book may be 'normal' in someone else's book. Numbers. Durations. Graphs. Cold hard data.
* Not saying they will.
Same here! I got my phone on the 22nd of September from London Regents Street.
having the same problem, when on call, battery draining super fast, like 1% per min. And the phone gets over heated when watching videos.
I called apple support and they weren’t very helpful. Keep saying they dont have anything in stock to replace my device.
not happy @Apple
mgerson90 wrote:
give it a shot until Apple corrects this major issue.
I think you might have meant to reply to someone else. I don't have an iPhone 15 Pro Max but my iPhone 15 Pro is working perfectly. Great battery life, no overheating issues.
I have been on this thread for some time now waiting and hoping. I updated it yesterday with the last update and have still experienced the battery drain and overheating. Anyone have better or same results???
If anyone goes to the store please update us on what they recommend even tho I’m sure it’s a bug I have attached a screenshot of what’s affecting the battery it’s the home and lockscreen, yesterday it took 60% of the battery the day before 45% I’m sure it’s a bug and Apple is working on it
I feel it’s a bug or the phone is still calibrating let’s hope for the best or maybe Apple pushes a software update ASAP. Best of luck to everyone I’m sure if we go to the store they’ll run a diagnostic and say everything is normal!
Same thing is happening to me. The phone is draining very quickly and it’s also getting hot. Also I’ve noticed when trying to remove a notification from the Home Screen, the screen isn’t responsive. Very frustrating
iPhone 15 Pro Max Heating & Battery Draining Fast