I got this "unable to satisfy mandatory allocation" problem daily.
An Intel app I installed a few years ago was the problem.
Had to delete a few files:
User Launch Agents: [Loaded] com.aviatainc.powerengage.XRTK.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-09-30)
Command: /Applications/Xerox PowerENGAGE.app/Contents/MacOS/Xerox PowerENGAGE -LSRC autolaunch
[Other] com.aviatainc.powerengage.helper.XRTK.plist (Not signed - installed 2022-09-07)
Command: /Applications/Xerox PowerENGAGE.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/EngageLauncher.app/Contents/MacOS/EngageLauncher -LSRC autolaunch
Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.aviatainc.powerengage.XRTK.plist Command: /Applications/Xerox PowerENGAGE.app/Contents/MacOS/Xerox PowerENGAGE -LSRC autolaunch
Deleting these fixed the kernel panic and also cured Spotlight/Finder search which hadn't been working for months.