Here's an illustration of the basic command syntax. I started with two files, one containing the word "cat", and the other containing the word "dog". I put copies into "animals.tar.gz", and removed the originals.
% ls
cat.txt dog.txt
% cat cat.txt
% cat dog.txt
% tar -cvf animals.tar *.txt
a cat.txt
a dog.txt
% ls
animals.tar cat.txt dog.txt
% gzip animals.tar
% ls
animals.tar.gz cat.txt dog.txt
% rm *.txt
% ls
The gunzip command decompresses a file. I didn't ask it to keep the compressed file, so it deleted that file after it created the decompressed copy.
% gunzip animals.tar.gz
% ls
The tar -tvf command shows the contents of a tar file without unpacking it. (tar stands for "tape archive" … which tells you something about how long ago this command first appeared in Unix.). I "XXXXX"ed out my user name.
% tar -tvf animals.tar
-rw-r--r-- 0 XXXXXXX staff 4 Oct 4 00:48 cat.txt
-rw-r--r-- 0 XXXXXXX staff 4 Oct 4 00:45 dog.txt
The tar -xvf command extracts the contents of a tar file.
% tar -xvf animals.tar
x cat.txt
x dog.txt
Now I have copies of the original files back. In your case, it's likely that there will be quite a few more files, and that there may be several directory levels' worth of them, so I would suggest doing the extraction in a scratch directory.
% ls
animals.tar cat.txt dog.txt
% cat cat.txt
% cat dog.txt