Incorrect credit amount vs AppleID amount
Hello to all who may respond,
Couple weeks ago I had at least over $30+ showing up as credit checking my Apple store App and Apple ID.
Recently, noticed a $1.26 balance upon opening Apple Store App.
Did check for past app purchases without any red flags.
Went ahead purchasing a Gift Card for $30 and redeemed.
Upon opening the App Store app, still showing $1.26.
HOWEVER, if I click on my Apple ID above (Credit:$1.26) and input my Apple ID password, it shows a different amount closer to what I expected.
That is, probably had $39.56 left and adding Gift Card brought it up to $69.56.
I've read how to to sign out and restart device. Apparently, not working.
By the way, same situation if I check my iPad. Also using correct Apple ID and password.
Obviously, should I expect both values be the same ?
Not a major problem but would like dollar amounts to be matching. I'm including couple pics to view.
Like most users, upgraded to ios 17 couple weeks back. Unknown if cause of discrepancy.
Any help appreciated. Hopefully, posting in the right location.
iPhone 12 Pro Max