Unable to log into iTunes on my Win11 computer
We just got a new Windows 11 computer and I am trying to set up iTunes however it will not let me log in. How can I correct that?
Windows, Windows 6
We just got a new Windows 11 computer and I am trying to set up iTunes however it will not let me log in. How can I correct that?
Windows, Windows 6
None of the suggested solutions work. I changed my ApjpleID password because I kept getting a popup message saying "Verification failed" "This action could not be completed. Try again." Even after successful change this still happens. I used my reset password to sign in here, so I know its working.
Hey pkrobello,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. The information below may help with signing into iTunes on your Windows PC.
If you’re unable to browse, sign in to, or buy music from the iTunes Store in the iTunes appon your PC, try the following:
* If you see a message that your computer can’t connect to the iTunes Store, choose another item from the pop-up menu (Podcasts, for example), then click Store again. If your computer still doesn’t connect, make sure your internet connection is working—open a web browser and visit a website. If your internet connection is OK, there may be a problem with the iTunes Store. Try visiting the store again later.
* Make sure your computer’s date, time, and time zone are set correctly.
* Make sure your account information is accurate and that you don’t need to correct a problem with a previous purchase. Choose Account > View My Account, then sign in (if necessary). To verify your account information, click Manage Payments next to Payment Information.
* Make sure the iTunes Store is available in your country or region. See the Apple Support article Availability of Apple Media Services.
* If you can’t find the song or album you’re looking for, it may not be available for sale. Visit the iTunes Store Requests website, then visit the iTunes Store at a later date to see if the song or album is available.
The information is also available: If you have problems using the iTunes Store on PC.
Take care.
You can try the steps in If you see an 'Unable to sign you in to your Apple ID' message.
If this does not help, details on why you are unable to sign into iTunes can be helpful. What happens when you try to sign in? Are you getting an error message? Did you forget your Apple ID or password?
I have tried all of the above. The problem with most of what you suggest that I try I can't really do because I cannot access my account at all.
Unable to log into iTunes on my Win11 computer