A few days ago, I noticed an exclamation mark inside a circle appearing in many photos. After searching on Google and here, it says what we all know, that it's because they are in lower resolution, but when opened on Wi-Fi, they would load correctly, blah blah...
I had already received a message that my phone storage was running out, so I deleted apps and even paid for more space on iCloud...
Yesterday, out of the 17,000 photos I had, only 7,000 appeared; 10,000 just "disappeared" out of nowhere!!! They're not in the deleted album or in iCloud.
The albums or faces are all blank because literally everything disappeared.
I already called technical support, and yesterday they had to escalate it to the "senior team" because they have no idea... They told me to wait a few hours to see what appeared in the deleted album, but only the 400 photos that I deleted myself have appeared, which are useless to me because that's why I deleted them!!
Clearly, I'm extremely desperate, angry, and frustrated because when I called again today, they said they don't know what happened, that they're sorry but they can't do absolutely anything, and I really have many doubts:
- Why did the exclamation mark appear if supposedly they weren't in iCloud?
- How did random dates disappear (both the newest and the oldest)? Maybe if they had been the oldest ones, I'd understand, but no.
- How is it possible that they were "deleted" from my phone without appearing in the deleted album?
- How were they deleted from my phone due to lack of space? That never happens; it might show a thousand times that it's full and not let you take more pictures, that you should delete apps and everything you can think of, but the photos are still there.
- How is it possible that they have no idea what happened?
I find it unacceptable and very disappointing coming from such a huge company and experts.
If anyone has an idea of what else I can do or how I can escalate it further, it would be ideal. All I know is that I did the latest update a few days ago, and then this happened!