I am thankful people are trying to help this very tech un-savvy old man out in his crisis but even the replies are confusing me so far..
I did manage to connect the Porsche Design external hard drive to my laptop I was able to open said Time Machine from the icon.
When I tried to open either the iphoto icon or the copy of the iphoto materails. both of which I could see in the old hard drive info and both had the circle with the diagonal line through it and trying to then open either lead to a window saying I needed to perform the download the iphoto update, which I did.
I finally figured out there was no time machine icon in my keychain found it, open it and I am now hopefully. uploading the all of the old files into the time machine, it's copying the disk so fingers crossed I might yet find the images I need at some point.
Because I literally fear doing something wrong and then have zero idea of how to undo any mistakes I sort of go i into paralysis mode or wind up too panicked to proceed alone.
If anyone has any other thoughts or suggestions or can even tell me what I've thus far is correct I'd very much welcome the reinforcement.