Safari says I’m about to clear more tabs than I am aware of having open when I clear history and website data
I have noticed since iPadOS 17 that when I clear history and website data it gives a timeframe option and a clear tabs option along with telling me how many tabs will be closed before it clears. The number of tabs it says it will close is always more than the number of tabs I am aware of having open. Right now, for instance, I am aware of having just this one tab open as I write this, but I can go to clear history and website in settings, as I just did, it says “This will close your 2 tabs.” Prior to my recent clear I had 1 tab open, that I was aware of, and it said it was going to close 9 tabs. I have no idea where they could be. 1 may have been a private tab, but it would be 1 maximum. How could I have 9 tabs open that I am unaware of? Where can they be? How can I access them? Is anyone else using tabs on my account? Am I part of a bot-net somehow? Does anyone at Apple have answers? Because no matter how many times I clear history, anytime I open safari and go to a single site it says I have two tabs open if I go to clear it again.
iPad Pro, iPadOS 17