How to transfer music from IPod Touch to MacOS Sonoma or Windows 10
Hey, im trying to transfer music I have on my IPod Touch IOS 9.3.5 to MacOS Sonoma or Windows 10, both would work for me. The files only exist on my Ipod and I dont have them on my computer. How do I download them?
I tried several things:
I couldnt figure it out with Itunes. As far as I know there is no way to download music that is not on your computer already.
I tried to enable showing "External Disk's" and "CD's, DVD's, and IPods" within the Finder settings. The IPod should show up on the Desktop as Icon. Inside the Folder using "Show hidden files" a Folder named "iPod_Control" should appear. That folder is apparently holding the songs. Unfortunately my IPod is not showing up on the desktop!
I tried a similar approach on windows, but the same thing is happening. No folder showing, although hidden files are shown.
I couldnt find any free and legitimate third party software for the job. Most of them are free till the point where you wanna download the files to your computer..
Please help
iPod, iOS 9