If you have Family sharing set up: (How to: Set up Family Sharing - Apple Support)
Share content with your family - Apple Support says you can share an Apple News+ subscription.
What to do: If you can't find your family's shared apps and content - Apple Support
Re: it will not let him share his Apple News subscription because it says we are in different countries
Wondering where that is showing up:
Eg: maybe one of you may have changed their region code in the App Store.
Eg: See how you can: Change your country or region code in the App Store on Mac - Apple Support
You could check your online Apple ID accounts are in order (or edit any out-of-date details)
Apple ID log-in: https://appleid.apple.com/
If needed: Apple ID support website (info / support / contact options etc.): Apple ID - Official Apple Support
Billing and Subscriptions Support website: Subscriptions and Billing - Official Apple Support
All the best :-)