iPhone 12 Pro freezing on iOS 17.4(.1) when selecting text (or sometimes when trying to type)

Since about 2 days ago my good old iPhone 12 Pro has started going nuts. Whenever I try to select any text on a webpage (or in any app) and often when I tap on anywhere that brings up a keyboard to start typing the app freezes and then after some time crashes.

I tried rebooting and it helps for about 1 min after which same stuff happens again. I

also tried resetting the dictionary, turning off check spelling, predictive typing, etc. in the keyboard setting which didn’t help.

Furthermore I tried unticking all the checkmarks in the selected dictionaries (though most of the time the settings app freezes when trying to open the dictionary section.

Finally I tried updating to 17.4.1 (from 17.4) which also didn’t help.

Interestingly I was unable to update from the phone itself, it was spinning on checking new version until finally throwing up “Unable to check for new version”. I had to update using the mac and on 17.4.1 it behaves the same.

I am afraid to try the wipe and restore from backup nuclear option as I will lose the eSim and I’m in a different country now from where I got the line from and it will be a challenge to restore it.

What else can I do?

iPhone X

Posted on Mar 28, 2024 12:38 PM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Apr 16, 2024 8:53 AM

First of all, this thread is incredibly hard to find. For a while, I felt like I was the only one with this problem. Only way it showed up on Google was "iphone hang text select" and setting the date range to "last month". "iphone hang select text" e.g., you won't find any of it. Same goes for "ios text select crash" or "iphone mark text crash". (<- some fodder for Google right here ...)

So: Experiencing the exact same situation. Problem started on an iPhone Pro Max 15 with iOS 17.4, no change with 17.4.1.

  • Hang / crash when selecting text (not always, but most of the times)
  • Keyboard sometimes hanging itself up all of a sudden, need to restart
  • BETTER after restart, forced or normal; but no more than for a few minutes
  • Problem signing into the Security menu of iCloud (in Settings)

Let's see if we find some more common ground and maybe find the culprit here! Same as most of you, I've tried plenty of other stuff and changing settings, to no avail. Some things odd I noticed are:

  • I cannot do a full backup to my Mac; neither via Finder or via iMazing; it goes on for many hours and doesn't finish
  • I've got plenty of space, photos set to "Optimization" -> iCloud, only few stored on machine, yet at one point, my iPhone ran into "no more memory" and I couldn't save any more photos; it's a 512GB phone, actually plenty of space left - even with all photos stored on the machine instead of in the Cloud it wouldn't have been full
  • my iMessages showed up in iCloud unusually high, I think around 300GB. Didn't make sense; I disabled iCloud Messages on all my machines, will have to wait two more weeks so after 30 days, they are actually fully erased on the Cloud, then try setting it to iCloud again

A few years back, I had an issue with Notes using up hundreds of GB of mobile data; no one could help. Called Apple so many times. My solution was: Accessing the IMAP server via Thunderbird, which showed me some "ghost" directories for notes. That was when they changed the way notes are stored, I think. Anyway: I deleted the folders (that didn't show up in Mac Mail) manually and that resolved that issue.

So, maybe some app / sync process is filling up the available space / RAM / processor / who-knows-what?

My questions to fellow sufferers of this issue would be:

  • Can you check if any section uses up unsually much space on iCloud?
  • did any of you run into a "space full" sort-of message even though you still had plenty of space?
  • Did you ever have an issue with the Notes app, such as unsually high data volume when syncing?
  • Is anyone using iMazing?
  • Can you do a full backup of your iPhone to your Mac - one that actually finishes?
  • Any troubles with iMessage size-wise, when looking at Space on iCloud and under the tab with the space needed on the volume / "hard drive" of your iPhone?

I would think we're gonna find at least one more commonality that actually causes this trouble. Seeing that it's so incredibly hard to find any similar reports on the web, it's not unreasonable to think this is a minority issue. Culprit must be somewhere, and Apple is probably not going through the trouble helping us there ... they will probably recommend a full reset. And: I would do one, but not w/o a full backup to disk (which I cannot do right now ...)

[Edited by Moderator]

50 replies

May 20, 2024 8:54 AM in response to ollimuc

I tend to agree with ervintwj, it does seem to be an issue related specifically with network connection to Apple (ID?) servers.

If I could hedge a bet it seems there is an issue with the process/demon responsible for it crash looping after a while. This would explain why everything works for a brief while after restarting the iPhone.

as a reminder - which things stop working and how I think they are connected

  • Check system software updates - obvious
  • Dictionaries - checking the server what dictionaries are available
  • Siri voice change - checking and downloading non-standard voices
  • iCloud Sign-In and Security - obvious
  • Translate app - obvious
  • Selecting text - I would think it is related to the system trying to check a dictionary which has not been downloaded and freezing while checking the server for it

Also let's contrast that to what continues to function:

  • Browsing safari
  • Apps internet access
  • App Store downloads/updates
  • iCloud Personal Information/Payment&Shipping/Subscriptions/list of devices/etc.

May 23, 2024 12:25 AM in response to ChiffaNe

SOLVED: It's been 24hrs without the bugs (stall when highlighting text, no access to Updates, Siri Voice, Dictionary, iCloud Security setting etc.)

I did the following steps:

  • Update to 17.5.1 via my Mac (since no access is possible to Update on the device itself)
  • Backup to disk via Finder on my Mac
  • Full Device Reset via Finder
  • Set up device from backup on my Mac

(Those of you who've been following the thread for a while may remember I wasn't able to do a full disk backup before, I had it hooked up for >24hrs and still it just wouldn't finish; yesterday, after lots of tinkering around, it DID work; if I had to take a guess it was the cable, which is weird since it allows for full data transmission with any other device, at least when testing it by hooking up SSDs ... anyway, weird, but eventually it did work).

A strange phenomenon that occured: When resetting the device via Finder, after starting up again, a message came up that a previous incomplete installation (or a similar message, I didn't memorize it verbatim) was found and if I wanted to do another reinstall? I sure did.

So - 24hrs and everything works as it's supposed to. Just a bit of a pain since all of my banking apps need reauthentification (by snail mail, unfortunately), I need to reauthorize all my IoT apps, reauthorize Apple Pay cards etc.

Seems like 17.4 left some sort of "relict" that wasn't removed by any further updates, nor by the first full reset to factory settings. But this time, the OS caught the issue and offered another reset.

Theoretically, it could also have been the 17.5.1 update, which I didn't even test since ChiffaNe stated it didn't resolve the issue.

If anyone else wants to have a go, maybe try 17.5.1 and see if it works, if not - go the route of backup -> factory reset -> maybe the second reset -> set up from backup as outlined above. Just keep in mind you may not be able to use your banking apps for a few days and will need at least half a day (if not more) to finish the process. Please also make sure you have Wifi access w/o any data restrictions since all apps will not be installed from the backup, but downloaded from the App store again (even with disk backup). Make sure all the apps you really need are still available there.

Please report back here since anyone else affected will certainly appreciate it!

Jun 7, 2024 7:08 AM in response to ChiffaNe

What I did, which has almost eliminated apps freezing after selecting text and also keyboard freeze is:

  • Disabled all dictionaries except for one (Oxford English)
  • Disabled all keyboards except for default English keyboard for my region and Emoji keyboard
  • Disabled Predictive Text and Check Spelling
  • Disabled Accessibility -> Spoken Content -> Speak Selection

I didn’t even know I had that Accessibility setting enabled, but that seemed to help a lot.

This has not fixed the software update, iCloud Sign In & Security problem, etc.

Also another interesting observation, I also noticed that I’m not able to use the ChatGPT app anymore, whatever issue is affecting the network traffic also impacts this app specifically.

Mar 28, 2024 1:09 PM in response to ChiffaNe

I did some more poking and found that the settings also freeze when I try to change the Siri voice (not language, that is fine) or enter the Sign-in & Security menu in iCloud. I’m starting to have a feeling this is in some way related to broken rights to access any kind of system downloaded data (different siri voices, dictionaries, etc)

Apr 23, 2024 2:02 PM in response to ChiffaNe

I’m on an SE

and text select is useless. I can select once, sometimes adjust the selection but always freezes whatever app I’m in.Cannot cut, copy, or paste! Notably Safari, notes, mail & texts all native apps that I use most often and killing my productivity. ‘Word processing’ the first ‘killer app’ is now dead?! Please help us with an update or solution. I’ve also been searching for days for anyone solutions and now after about 5 separate searches I finally found this thread… but still no solution??!

[Edited by Moderator]

Apr 25, 2024 11:40 AM in response to ChiffaNe

Hi all, I’ve been having this problem too on an iPhone 12 Pro. I tried some steps like resetting network settings and keyboard dictionaries a few times and clearing the cache. I didn’t totally reset my phone as I don’t have iTunes on my computer to create a backup. It was just something I added to my to-do list to complete eventually.

Orthogonally I couldn’t check for updates, it would spin forever and fail. Back when I reset network settings that helped in the past to get the update check to work.

A couple of days ago (April 22), I reset network settings once again to see if I could check for updates. Since then I haven’t been able to reproduce this issue at all. Last time resetting this/keyboard dictionary, I was able to reproduce it right away. I can’t say if it’s fixed, but will update if it happens again.

May 4, 2024 4:17 PM in response to ChiffaNe

iPhone 13 Pro Max 512Gb with the same freezing upon using the keyboard.

can happen in any app, even in iOS’s spotlight.

The issue started in 17.4 and continues in 17.4.1.

The longest working workaround until now has been to enter Settings -> General -> Keyboards -> Keyboards after an hard reset and remove the Ukrainian keyboard. I also have these keyboards in use: English (US), German, Spanish, Italian and French.

Also, all six keyboards did show that something wasn’t downloaded to the device (each keyboard had a cloud with an arrow icon on its right side).

I downloaded all the dictionaries after deleting the Ukrainian one.

Inside Settings -> General -> Keyboards all options are active.

I will update the post if anything changes. The Issue seems resolved for now. Maybe anyone can double check on her side if this helps at all.

I hope this can help someone.


May 10, 2024 9:18 AM in response to jososem

Thanks, jososem, blissfulinferno and especially ChiffaNe (very detailed and helpful!) for your feedback on this issue.

@jososem: I've also tried tinkering around with deleting and adding various keyboards, also changing the iOS system language, doing resets in between - didn't solve the issue for me (except for the first minute or so ...)

Judging from ChiffaNe's info, we can rule out so far: iMazing, former crash due to (wrong) space full, sync errors iCloud Notes or Messages.

To sum up the main issues - here are a few additional ones, worth checking out if you have any, all or none of the same - will help us pin-point the isse:

Hang / stall / crash / pause when selecting / highlighting text in any app

System > iCloud > "Password & Security" -> nothing happens

Open "Dictionary" in Settings -> not loading / crashing

Opening Updates leads to spin-balling, nothing happening

full back up to disk not working

Can you please check the following and verify if you experience the same issue or not? Maybe we can find a common denominator in addition to the hang / crash when selecting text:

Can you do a full back up to your Mac?

Can you successfully open System Settings > iCloud > "Password & Security"?

Can you open "Dictionary" in your system settings?

Can you open "Updates" and either an update shows, or the message that you're up-to-date?

In addition to that:

is your system language non-english?

are you using more than one Apple ID (e.g. for mail or contacts)?

My guess so far: When highlighting text, a context menu pops up. Dictionary ("look up") is somehow messed up, since it cannot be accessed via system settings - hence the crash. Not sure about the other issues, though ...

Seeing this is a super-minor issue with almost NO reports whatsoever here or on the other forums, chances are no one from Apple is going to help us. I'm hoping for another update to somehow resolve this, but don't get my hopes up too much ... Let's see if we can somehow solve this on our own.

Upgraded to 15 Pro Max after a long time with my 12. Very enthusiastic at first, the last few weeks I've waited till I'm on my Mac to write text or do anything serious. Shame ...

May 11, 2024 4:54 PM in response to ollimuc

I have found one additional symptom - I use Siri in with a non-default voice and it stopped working for reading back text. The connection is that it also relies on additional downloaded language files, it’s not installed by default. And when I try to change the voice it freezes.

Everything seems to point to a problem with the system partition or file index. Either the partition is filled up by something (e.g. logs) or the index seems to be corrupted. If anyone knows of a way to cleanup logs, it would help narrow down.

@ollimuc, as you are on an iPhone 15 you should still be under warranty, did you try to open a case with Apple support?

May 13, 2024 10:05 AM in response to ChiffaNe

ChiffaNe: Can confirm, trying to switch Siri voice also causes a freeze for me 😂

haven’t tried to open a case so far, Care+ and under warranty, but didn’t want to have to go through the usual hoops (factory reset etc - I’ve got my backup onc iCloud, but w/o a full backup to disk reauthentification for banking apps etc is going to be a terrible procedure).

well - will try anyway, can’t hurt - thanks for the suggestion.

May 14, 2024 9:02 AM in response to ChiffaNe

I'm on a chat with an Apple Advisor. Here's what he says:

Reset All Settings: All settings—including network settings, the keyboard dictionary, location settings, privacy settings, and Apple Pay cards—are removed or reset to their defaults. No data or media are deleted.

I am positive this will fix the issue for you.

I can't do this as I'm currently travelling, but if anybody does eventually try this – please report back. That will be extremely helpful.

May 16, 2024 11:50 AM in response to ChiffaNe

Unfortunately the fix didn’t last.

The situation seems to have improved a bit - most of the time selecting text no longer freezes the phone.

On the other hand a couple of times it froze up when simply bringing up the keyboard.

Also nothing related to system downloads works - checking for updates, sire voiceover or changing of voices, dictionaries, etc. Also, the translate app doesn’t work.

May 20, 2024 4:04 AM in response to ervintwj

Can anyone check one additional point - I was looking at traffic usage data in the phone and noticed that the one of the biggest consumers is system services with DNS Services being the second largest consumer at 1,25G which seems excessive for the work it is supposed to be doing.

Can you check if you have a similar situation?

[update] a quick search indicates it a similar situation for a lot of people so doesn't seem to be the culprit.

May 20, 2024 2:54 PM in response to ChiffaNe

One brief update - I found a way to see iPhone logs from a mac - just connect it via a cable and open Console app on mac and select the iPhone on the left and click “Start streaming”.

But the amount of data there is insane - thousands of entries every second. Spent about an hour reproducing the freezing and trying to find the relevant logs entries to no success so far. I did find that one of my obsolete airline loyalty cards added to Wallet was still hammering the server and flooding logs so turned it off, so that was a bonus :)

Also had a couple of times when the software version check and the icloud security settings actually worked.

If anyone is able and willing to spend the time and localize the log entries related to this bull crap everyone on the thread here would be grateful.

iPhone 12 Pro freezing on iOS 17.4(.1) when selecting text (or sometimes when trying to type)

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