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New protocols for using Apple Mail with Hotmail accounts

Microsoft has announced the following:

"The safety and security of your information is top priority for Microsoft. To help keep your account secure, Microsoft will no longer support the use of third-party email and calendar apps which ask you to sign in with only your Microsoft Account username and password. To keep you safe you will need to use a mail or calendar app which supports Microsoft’s modern authentication methods. If you do not act, your third-party email apps will no longer be able to access your Outlook.com, Hotmail or Live.com email address on September 16th."

I use Apple Mail for all my email accounts which include two hotmail accounts that need to be redefined as 'outlook' accounts with new security parameters for them to work with Apple Mail, otherwise I am going to lose access to these accounts via Apple Mail. I have Apple Mail installed on all my devices, the principle device being a Mac Mini (Sonoma 14.5). Obviously these email accounts will be available via other email apps like Outlook for Mac and via a web browser.

According to general advice that I have looked for, the best way continue to use Apple Mail is to delete the accounts from Apple Mail (via the Mac Mini) and then add them again with the new Outlook parameters which are not simply the current account name and password. Doing this does not alter any emails that you have stored on the Outlook server - the account name is not changing.

I have all of my mail stored in mail folders on my Mac. I don't keep the messages on the remote server. The only messages that are held on the remote Outlook server are the most recent in my Inbox i.e. those that I have not yet moved to other folders on my Mac and those that have not yet been deleted from the remote server.

So, if I delete the accounts in Apple Mail (on the Mac Mini), I am going to lose all of the history of my emails stored in the various mail sub-folders for the corresponding email account on my Mac Mini. As there is no copy of these on the remote server, they will be lost forever. Adding the new Outlook version of the accounts will not connect these accounts to their history in Apple Mail.

I must admit that I am a bit lost as to how I can continue using Apple Mail for my two Hotmail accounts. The only thing that I can see that I can do is the following:

Copy all subfolders for these email accounts on the Mac into new subfolders for another NON-Hotmail account that I currently use.

Delete the Hotmail Accounts on my Mac, thus deleting all of their sub folders.

Add the new Outlook versions of these accounts with the necessary parameters.

Re-create the subfolders for those accounts and then move all of the previously moved emails back to these accounts.

I understand that deleting and re-adding the accounts on my Mac will be reflected on my other synced Apple devices (iPhone, iPad etc) which don't contain the history, as this is only on the Mac Mini.

I hope I have understood the situation correctly and explained it well.

I don't want to use different apps for my different email accounts. I want to maintain them all in one application if possible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. There is a distinct lack of information about this one the internet. Sorry if this message is a bit long or is incorrect in any way.

Thanks in advance!

MacBook Pro, OS X 10.11

Posted on Jun 28, 2024 6:49 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Aug 2, 2024 10:48 AM

I'm not sure if I quite understand what you were saying, but deleting your Outlook account off macOS Apple Mail should not delete mail that you have moved from Outlook to an On My Mac subfolder. Those stay. What is removed is references to IMAP Outlook subfolders and email, which are all in the cloud. The actual subfolder and emails remain in the cloud; those are not deleted either.

The issue and current solution is this:

On September 16, 2024, Microsoft will stop accepting Basic Authentication (email and password) to access your Outlook/Hotmail email via third party clients such as Apple Mail; it will henceforth require Modern Authentication.

I think a lot of people, when adding their personal Outlook/Hotmail accounts to Apple Mail, choose "Other Account" and fill in their Outlook/Hotmail credentials. I believe "Other Account" is a catch-all for any other email service provider; and it will probably only ever offer Basic Authentication. Apple strongly suggests choosing Microsoft Exchange in their FAQ for all Microsoft email addresses, organizational or personal. On iOS, Apple gives both Microsoft Exchange AND Outlook as a choice. They do NOT yet do this on macOS. On MacOS, you must choose Microsoft Exchange.

So if you currently have a personal Outlook/Hotmail account set up under "Other Account," delete it. This will remove all references to it in Apple Mail. Set it up again, but choose Microsoft Exchange. Then choose "Sign In," not "Configure Manually" -- the latter will result in an error. Microsoft will ask you if you mind Apple having access to your account (Apple Mail needs this access to work), confirm and all of your email and subfolders will repopulate in Apple Mail. Your folders will say Exchange instead of Outlook but everything else will be the same. Deleting/flagging email in macOS Apple Mail set up under "Microsoft Exchange" will correspondingly delete/flag mail in iOS Apple Mail set up under "Outlook" without issue.

Until Apple adds an explicit Outlook choice in macOS Apple Mail, this is the only solution. The good thing is that it works and you will no longer have to keep signing into your Outlook account in macOS Apple Mail.

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Jul 2, 2024 4:29 AM in response to jcho1962

Hi! This can only happen when you have all your emails stored on the email service provider's servers. The problem we have occurs when you have them stored only in Apple Mail (copies have been deleted from remote server).

I think we all agree what we can simply choose to use Outlook instead of Apple Mail, although you would never be able to see any emails stored only in Apple Mail because the two apps cannot access each other.

For information, I can access my Hotmail emails via Outlook on a web browser without any problem, but the only emails I can see are those that are still on the remote server.


Jul 25, 2024 11:20 AM in response to Munsterlanders

Can be simple to solve, real simple. No deleting, no moving folders.

I've had this problem and solved it through simple navigation. Hopefully this will work for others. I've used Hotmail for decades, am using Mac Mail on Mac Mini. Importantly, I also have an Exchange email that's completely separate from my Hotmail email, and you need an exchange email to do the simple navigation I describe. Again, among your emails in Mac Mail you have an Exchange email and a Hotmail email which is the situation I'm describing.

Yes, I wasn't getting my Hotmail emails on my Mac Mail. Here's the simple navigation that worked for me, hopefully works for others:

Under Mail, select Settings. Then in Settings, select Accounts. Then go down to Hotmail (it's there already because you have a Hotmail account). Then in Hotmail, go to Server Settings. Then input your incoming mail server and your outgoing mail server password (yes, it's the same password, just type it again all over again like it's new). Next you may try to save it and immediately get an error message, all is good and on schedule. Now before anything else while you're still in Mac Mail Server Settings on the Accounts tab, on the left click on Exchange, the Exchange email. Now again, you are asked if you want to save your changes. Save your changes! You have only re-input your Hotmail password, that's what you're saving but this is the right way.

Did it work for you? This is the first time I'm posting something here so somebody plz respond whether this helped.


Aug 6, 2024 2:02 PM in response to Munsterlanders


I have an iPad Air running IOS 12.5.7. (Yes it's old but it still works!)

I deleted the Hotmail account and tried to add a new "Outlook" account.

I get the message "Outlook Account - unable to verify account information - OK". At this point I haven't entered any account information!

Pressing OK, I see that it has tried to create an "Outlook" account and it says" Enter credentials for NULL account and a window appears asking for the password for "Outlook Account".

Obviously I have no idea what account it is talking about!

Therefore, having achieved what I have on my Mac and iPhone (thanks to many helpful contributions here) I am giving up on the iPad. I've had enough of emails!!!! haha

Thanks to everyone who responded to the thread I started. My first experience with the community has been very positive. Good luck to everyone still working on this! I may be back in September!! I hope not!


Aug 10, 2024 4:23 AM in response to wlow

Glad to have found this thread and wlow's post. Like others, Mail kept asking for the password to access my outlook.com email. Tried to use the Microsoft Exchange option a couple times (definitely does not work with manual configuration) and it didn't/couldn't verify. Tried it a third time, typed (vs pasted) my password and got the dialog box requesting access approval. The process worked and set up a new account; I will delete the previous account and hope for the best.


Aug 15, 2024 10:22 AM in response to CitJ

My understanding from reading the Microsoft help article, is that it will continue to prompt you for the password until you add the account using modern authentication.

I was helping a client, and noted the Inbound and Outbound server details had changed to outlook.microsoft365.com as per https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/office/pop-imap-and-smtp-settings-for-outlook-com-d088b986-291d-42b8-9564-9c414e2aa040


Aug 15, 2024 5:18 PM in response to Munsterlanders

Not sure if this will be helpful to the post by munsterlanders. I simply created a new account using Microsoft Exchange instead of "other" when presented with the dialog box to create a new account. This only changes the way you connect to Microsoft. I then deleted the outlook.com account set up under "other" and kept the Exchange version. As far as any emails you download to your Mac (NOT in any of the folders used by Microsoft Exchange) they won't be touched as they're not on the server once you download them to a separate folder on the Mac.


Aug 20, 2024 7:11 AM in response to Munsterlanders

Okay, last effort to help someone here, for those who are talking about "deleting" accounts, that is NOT necessary to conform to Microsoft's security needs. Using the Exchange option when setting up an email account provides what's needed so you don't keep getting asked to enter your password checking for mail. The "other" option available when setting up an account doesn't have the required security - that's what most of us used when setting up a hotmail/live/outlook account in the past. SO. . . you're ONLY changing the way you log into Microsoft's servers NOT deleting your account as some here indicate. Mail remains on the server while you reconnect to the account with the Exchange protocol.

If I read the INITIAL post correctly, this will fix the issue. Somehow this thread has become like that child's game where you whisper something to someone next to you and so on as it goes around the circle ending up at the last person's ear very different than the first message.


Aug 20, 2024 11:41 AM in response to tobyw7_uk

Following up on this, and to clarify. You can configure Outlook.com email accounts just fine using the “Microsoft Exchange” option as others have suggested. It’s not clear on the Microsoft documentation and there’s no explicit option yet for setting up the account. The new account does use the modern authentication though and after configuration you’ll receive an email saying that a new app password has been created for Apple Mail.


Aug 21, 2024 9:40 PM in response to Munsterlanders

Apologies that I haven't read all of your post, Munsterlanders, but I hope this might help: I set up my hotmail and live accounts again in System Preferences > Internet Accounts, as detailed by others here, using Exchange. That worked fine, and the old mailboxes automatically deleted in Mail, but my folders and emails remained under the name Exchange.

I've decided to use my iCloud email now for everything, but wanted to have copies of all those old emails sent through Microsoft accounts, just in case the day comes when Microsoft decides it's tired of hosting free email accounts for Apple users. So today I tried just dragging the folders from the Exchange mailbox to the iCloud mailbox, and it seems to be working.

A message appears at the bottom of the menu list at the left of the page, saying "Copying Messages, 34 of 412" etc. A couple of times there have been messages to say something could not be copied, but that's easy to check manually.

Feeling so good to be further removed from the Microsoft world now :) Only have to change my address with providers who have the old ones on record and check for new emails periodically. Oh, and I can delete all those emails from the Microsoft account! Yaaay.

If anyone thinks this process isn't correct or might have problems, please let me know! I'm definitely not a techie.


Jul 1, 2024 1:34 PM in response to Munsterlanders

I also received this warning message from Microsoft on June 28, 2024 so I decided to look into it. It seems the message is legitimate as I was able to find several articles on Microsoft sites detailing steps to correct the login method. When I first setup the Outlook.com email account on MacOS, I chose the account type (from the list) as "Add Other Account". While this worked, it seems the login method used is being deprecated by Microsoft, so it will stop working.

A quick search for "Does Apple Mail on MacOS support Outlook email", turns of the following Apple Support article.

Choose the correct email service provider when you add an account to Mail - Apple Support

I followed the steps to delete the old Outlook account and recreated it, this time selecting Exchange as described in the article. I had created several folders (server based) containing older emails and all were preserved.

One suggestion for the folders that you created using local storage, Try creating a new Outlook account using the Exchange selection BEFORE deleting the old account from Apple Mail. Once the new account is setup and working, you should be able to move the local folders to the new account before deleting the old account from Apple Mail. Please let me and this thread know if this suggestion works.


Jul 4, 2024 9:32 AM in response to Munsterlanders

There is a way to export Apple Mail Mailboxes as one or more .mbox folders. Then you could import the .mbox folder(s) once you have Apple Mail properly configured for "modern authentication. Check this link for instructions on exporting mailboxes: Import or export mailboxes in Mail on Mac - Apple Support

My problem is that I don't see a way right now to configure Apple Mail on my Mac (as opposed to iPad) using the outlook.com link in the screenshot that Microsoft has provided (reproduced by someone in this thread).


Aug 6, 2024 1:19 PM in response to kfreddmd1

Hi! As far as it has gone for me:

  1. The only option in Mail for Mac is "Exchange". You can choose this option for multiple Hotmail accounts. You can rename them in Mail for Mac once you have deleted them and re-added them, so that you can identify them as a name other than "Exchange".
  2. So far this works on Mail for Mac but I am nowhere near technical enough to say what will happen when Microsoft makes the change.
  3. I have just done the same thing to the mail accounts on my iPhone, but this time I re-added them as "Outlook" accounts. Then I renamed them so that I can distinguish them. So far no problems!!

So I guess the big question is whether the "Exchange" option on Mail for Mac is going to work when Microsoft implements the new authentication protocols in September. At the moment as far as I can tell, nobody is really sure. It would be much better if Apple made the "Outlook" option available for Mac a.s.a.p. It can't be that difficult if it has already been done for other Apple devices!!


New protocols for using Apple Mail with Hotmail accounts

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