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New protocols for using Apple Mail with Hotmail accounts

Microsoft has announced the following:

"The safety and security of your information is top priority for Microsoft. To help keep your account secure, Microsoft will no longer support the use of third-party email and calendar apps which ask you to sign in with only your Microsoft Account username and password. To keep you safe you will need to use a mail or calendar app which supports Microsoft’s modern authentication methods. If you do not act, your third-party email apps will no longer be able to access your Outlook.com, Hotmail or Live.com email address on September 16th."

I use Apple Mail for all my email accounts which include two hotmail accounts that need to be redefined as 'outlook' accounts with new security parameters for them to work with Apple Mail, otherwise I am going to lose access to these accounts via Apple Mail. I have Apple Mail installed on all my devices, the principle device being a Mac Mini (Sonoma 14.5). Obviously these email accounts will be available via other email apps like Outlook for Mac and via a web browser.

According to general advice that I have looked for, the best way continue to use Apple Mail is to delete the accounts from Apple Mail (via the Mac Mini) and then add them again with the new Outlook parameters which are not simply the current account name and password. Doing this does not alter any emails that you have stored on the Outlook server - the account name is not changing.

I have all of my mail stored in mail folders on my Mac. I don't keep the messages on the remote server. The only messages that are held on the remote Outlook server are the most recent in my Inbox i.e. those that I have not yet moved to other folders on my Mac and those that have not yet been deleted from the remote server.

So, if I delete the accounts in Apple Mail (on the Mac Mini), I am going to lose all of the history of my emails stored in the various mail sub-folders for the corresponding email account on my Mac Mini. As there is no copy of these on the remote server, they will be lost forever. Adding the new Outlook version of the accounts will not connect these accounts to their history in Apple Mail.

I must admit that I am a bit lost as to how I can continue using Apple Mail for my two Hotmail accounts. The only thing that I can see that I can do is the following:

Copy all subfolders for these email accounts on the Mac into new subfolders for another NON-Hotmail account that I currently use.

Delete the Hotmail Accounts on my Mac, thus deleting all of their sub folders.

Add the new Outlook versions of these accounts with the necessary parameters.

Re-create the subfolders for those accounts and then move all of the previously moved emails back to these accounts.

I understand that deleting and re-adding the accounts on my Mac will be reflected on my other synced Apple devices (iPhone, iPad etc) which don't contain the history, as this is only on the Mac Mini.

I hope I have understood the situation correctly and explained it well.

I don't want to use different apps for my different email accounts. I want to maintain them all in one application if possible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. There is a distinct lack of information about this one the internet. Sorry if this message is a bit long or is incorrect in any way.

Thanks in advance!

MacBook Pro, OS X 10.11

Posted on Jun 28, 2024 6:49 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Aug 2, 2024 10:48 AM

I'm not sure if I quite understand what you were saying, but deleting your Outlook account off macOS Apple Mail should not delete mail that you have moved from Outlook to an On My Mac subfolder. Those stay. What is removed is references to IMAP Outlook subfolders and email, which are all in the cloud. The actual subfolder and emails remain in the cloud; those are not deleted either.

The issue and current solution is this:

On September 16, 2024, Microsoft will stop accepting Basic Authentication (email and password) to access your Outlook/Hotmail email via third party clients such as Apple Mail; it will henceforth require Modern Authentication.

I think a lot of people, when adding their personal Outlook/Hotmail accounts to Apple Mail, choose "Other Account" and fill in their Outlook/Hotmail credentials. I believe "Other Account" is a catch-all for any other email service provider; and it will probably only ever offer Basic Authentication. Apple strongly suggests choosing Microsoft Exchange in their FAQ for all Microsoft email addresses, organizational or personal. On iOS, Apple gives both Microsoft Exchange AND Outlook as a choice. They do NOT yet do this on macOS. On MacOS, you must choose Microsoft Exchange.

So if you currently have a personal Outlook/Hotmail account set up under "Other Account," delete it. This will remove all references to it in Apple Mail. Set it up again, but choose Microsoft Exchange. Then choose "Sign In," not "Configure Manually" -- the latter will result in an error. Microsoft will ask you if you mind Apple having access to your account (Apple Mail needs this access to work), confirm and all of your email and subfolders will repopulate in Apple Mail. Your folders will say Exchange instead of Outlook but everything else will be the same. Deleting/flagging email in macOS Apple Mail set up under "Microsoft Exchange" will correspondingly delete/flag mail in iOS Apple Mail set up under "Outlook" without issue.

Until Apple adds an explicit Outlook choice in macOS Apple Mail, this is the only solution. The good thing is that it works and you will no longer have to keep signing into your Outlook account in macOS Apple Mail.

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Aug 5, 2024 1:05 AM in response to Munsterlanders


i have the same problem but on top of it I’m not versed in computer language, have an outdated iPhone and ipad and I am at a complete loss as what to do with this problem. Having read many messages about this I now fear that i might lose all my old emails stored on my computer, iPhone, ipad ( I refuse to be forced to Store my life in a cloud).

Can anyone help and explain what needs to be done, in simple language, step by step.

Thank you.


Jul 5, 2024 6:15 AM in response to Munsterlanders

I have read all of these posts and I am still not sure what to do. I am usually pretty good with my apple products, but all of this sounds like another language. I called Apple support and they shared my screen, read the letter from Microsoft, and then just deleted my account, added it back in and changed the name to outlook. I didn't see any difference in what he did and I still am getting the same problems with seeing mail content and messages about my passwords. so no fix there!


Jul 5, 2024 12:10 AM in response to LV2219

Agreed. my important emails are moved in Mailboxes "on My Mac". Technically it should remain there if we remove the account that has other sets of inbox/sent box under "Hotmail". Hope someone can confirm this.

I wish to use back the Mail App to have all in one so I can move the important emails away from the cloud into my laptop.


Jul 10, 2024 1:19 PM in response to LV2219

For me it is basic too. I flag an email for follow up. It should appear flagged on my devices. Then, i unflag it and it should be unflagged on all devices. But no! So.. quick fix and it’s working for me: I am forwarding all my hotmail emails to my iCloud emails. And I am sending all emails from that account. I am saying goodbye to my old hotmail account for good.


Jul 23, 2024 6:58 AM in response to Munsterlanders

It was quite simple once I added my Outlook.com account to Apple Mail on MacOS. Just add it as a Microsoft Exchange account under Menue: Mail/Add Accounts. Then you will enter your MS password and approve the Mail App to have access. All of my sub folders and sub email alias show up properly in Apple Mail App. I can also access the same thing mirrored on Outlook.com. Works!


Jul 23, 2024 11:29 AM in response to michaelfromclonmel

It's definitely a problem Michael. Getting lots of messages on Mac/ipad/iphone asking to input the password as it is no longer connecting automatically each time. Now completely random. Microsoft say this will get worse as they approach cut-off date.


Jul 25, 2024 10:17 AM in response to AlWeir

My MacBook Pro is older, and the OS is Monterey 12.7.5. Please work with me here because I am also older 🤣😂, but it seems I can't upgrade to a more recent OS without buying a new computer. The option to delete my MSN/Hotmail accounts and add them using Outlook.com isn't there. Will Apple add it? Is it only an option for newer computers? This is beyond frustrating. I get all my mail on my iPhone. I don't use my iPad enough to know if the problem exists, but the iPad is newer.

Maybe I should decompartmentalize my life, use fewer email addresses, and change everything to Gmail.

Apple needs to get with the program on many things -- I have a hard time texting photos to my Android-using children and husband. That is an Apple problem, not an Android problem. If I wasn't so invested in my Apple products, I might consider changing, but Apple is very user-friendly -- until it isn't. 😡


Jul 26, 2024 6:29 AM in response to Munsterlanders

Munsterlanders: Here are some links that suggest:

  1. Sonoma and Microsoft Exchange somehow use modern authentication -- Integrate Apple devices with Microsoft Exchange - Apple Support.
  2. You should be OK if after configuring for Exchange, you no longer receive warnings about needing to input your password. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook_com/forum/all/how-can-i-assure-i-have-modern-authentication-on/d663834e-1006-433f-b944-66448ba99b42 (I configured for Exchange and haven't received any password messages.)

Have you tried calling Apple Support to answer your question: Contact - Official Apple Support


Jul 29, 2024 11:51 AM in response to Munsterlanders

This is my experience today, July 29. I have a Hotmail account I created years ago and today I was asked to enter the password for it. But even after doing that, Mail showed the account as being offline.

So I went to Mail->Add Account...

I selected the Microsoft Exchange option to create the new account. I entered my Hotmail address, and when a Microsoft screen showed up asking me to enter the password, I entered the password. And there was some verbage about letting the app connect or have access to my Microsoft account. Something along those lines.

After the account was created, Mail showed two accounts with the same email Hotmail address. The contents of both accounts was identical. They even both had a "New app(s) connected to your Microsoft account" message which stated:

New app(s) have access to your data

Apple Internet Accounts connected to the Microsoft account xr**s@hotmail.com.

If you didn't grant this access, please remove the app(s) from your account.

I selected Mail->Accounts, which brings up the various email accounts I have. I deleted the Hotmail/Outlook account.

Back to Mail and I have just one Microsoft Exchange account which has my Hotmail email address and all the mail of that account.

I still need to play around and see if there are any issues sending/receiving mail through that Microsoft Exchange account.


Aug 27, 2024 1:07 PM in response to Munsterlanders

After viewing all of your responses, I decided to just create a Microsoft "Exchange" account, following all of the prompts (not using manual sign-in) as someone else (LV2219) suggested and using my regular password. It worked perfectly. All of the emails that I had under my hotmail account were transferred over to the Exchange account. I did not lose anything. Guys, I think this is the way to go. I'm waiting until everything is downloaded before I delete the old hotmail account but as I look at it now, there are no emails left, because everything got transferred over to the Exchange account. Also, so far my email on my phone is working fine. I didn't have to change a thing.


Jul 23, 2024 9:20 AM in response to Stan Fowler

Yes, I had the exact same experience! However, in an abundance of caution, I exported my mailbox and all subfolders as mbox files in case I lost them in the process: Import or export mailboxes in Mail on Mac - Apple Support. But it turned out not to be necessary as I was already using Outlook. People with Hotmail accounts should export their Apple mailbox files as there have been many complaints on this thread about the files disappearing.

Creating a Microsoft Exchange account also eliminated some gremlins, e.g., getting two copies of each sent email in my sent folder. Apple Mail seems to be working fine now -- knock on wood.


Aug 8, 2024 7:04 AM in response to wlow

Hi wlow and all,

I have been having the same issue as all of you folks. I started a separate thread a couple of weeks ago (you can find it at "Newly emerged Microsoft / Apple Mail conflict" here's the link:

Newly emerged Microsoft / Apple Mail conf… - Apple Community

wlow's advice works for me. In one minute (that fast enough for you?) I have deleted one of my least used Hotmail accounts connected to my Mail app on my Mac (it's the little @ sign on a blue field in the accounts dropdown) then created the same thing using the Microsoft Exchange option they describe. Use the same steps wlow states.

Like many here, the Outlook.com option does not appear on my older Mac's dropdown of options for accounts. This may be solved with Sequoia eventually, but waiting is not a good option as Sept 16 is coming up fast. Your Hotmail / Outlook accounts won't disappear from the server they live on, they just won't be as conveniently located in Mail, in one place, to read, reply to and store after that date.

I highly recommend doing what I've done earlier this year, and others here have recommended: use the "On My Mac" feature to file and store all of your emails on your own computer. If you want them, keep them yourself. It may take time, depending on how many accounts you have and how much you use email, but only you can decide what that's worth.

*** If you ever decide to close one of these accounts, remember to also create a SENT folder in the "On My Mac" section just before you do. Copy/move them all over to this folder. I didn't do this before closing an account a couple of years back, and I regret it.


Jul 2, 2024 2:48 AM in response to Munsterlanders

I have today deleted my old "Hotmail Account" from "Apple Mail" and set it up in "Outlook For Mac". The sub-folders with all my important emails are still there after the move. Thank goodness... else it will be quite troublesome & time-consuming to retrieve those emails that I have forwarded earlier to another account.


New protocols for using Apple Mail with Hotmail accounts

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