As I mentioned in the first page or two of this thread, nothing worked for me either. I turned off ALL background processes, disabled everything but the most basic features. After spending HOURS with Apple on the phone (and people that did NOTHING to help but tell me, "No one else is reporting this issue," (even though this massive thread was here), a "senior" tech at Apple said, just re-core your devices and do not restore from iCloud backups.
It killed me because I've not done a bare metal install in years and years of new phones. Ridiculous. But I had to get working again, so I reluctantly did it. It took a week to get everything back and installed without a backup recovery. Yet I will say it worked. I've not had the flaming heat or severe battery drain since, even with my old apps installed and running normally like before.
I have NO idea why this helped since it's the same set of apps, with the same settings as iOS 17, but for some reason 18 got hosed and just made my phone feel like I was holding a portable heater. It seems to still be OK with 18.0.1. I'm not happy that I had to waste a week of time not being able to work on my phone and iPad Pro, but it seems to have worked.